10 Reasons Why Kids Need Digital Counters

Can your students count from 1 to 100 by ones, fives, and tens? How about adding and subtracting those numbers in their heads? If not, give them digital counters! These tools are so simple that even preschoolers can use them to learn these essential math concepts.
And since they’re made of plastic, you can help guide your students along as they use the tools to help develop counting and number sense skills. Here are 10 reasons why your students will love learning with digital counters!
1) Develop counting skills
Counting has been around for centuries. From tally marks carved in animal bones to modern digital counters, human beings have learned many ways to count things and keep track of their numbers. While counting on our fingers and toes is an effective way to track quantity, it can be time-consuming—not to mention inaccurate.
For instance, if we were tracking how many cookies we eat each day, how would we know if a stray crumb that fell off of our hand didn’t get counted? It’s easy for things like that to happen when there are so many ways for people to mix up or overlook items when counting with their hands or feet.
2) Counting encourages math skills
Counting is one of those math skills that students sometimes struggle with. Using digital counters, students can practice counting as they work on their math and learn about new numbers. This helps prepare them for more complex mathematical concepts down the road.
When you’re helping your child develop these important early math skills, note how these basics will be built upon in future classes to help make them stronger. For example, if you’re working on basic addition with a group of children, try explaining how each group of counters represents a set number of items and then add them together as a class.
This gives younger kids concrete examples to grasp what you’re teaching and start developing their higher-level thinking abilities from an early age.
3) Learning to count helps with money management
Teaching kids to count their money is an essential skill useful in everyday life. While counting helps us keep track of our finances, it can also assist with learning how to shop wisely and accurately. How many bananas do you need? Do you have enough money for dinner at a restaurant? How much is your rent or mortgage payment? These are all questions that become easier to answer when you can count your pennies.
When teaching children how to manage their money correctly, they must learn from a young age how much change they should expect when purchasing an item and what types of amounts can be counted out easily.
4) Digital counters teach kids about fractions
While studying fractions can be a challenge for children. Digital counters make it easy to introduce concepts and reinforce what kids are learning in school. Using digital counters with different denominators on each counter (2, 3, 4, and 6) gives kids an intuitive sense of how those respective numerators and denominators represent each fraction. All you need is one set of ten frames that include two, three, four, and six slices. Plus, you’ll find lots of activities in Fraction Town!
5) Digital counters make learning fun
Although education is traditionally associated with boredom, children who learn via digital counters tend to have a higher engagement rate. As a bonus, a child’s self-esteem may be boosted by their sense of accomplishment in completing their tasks.
This can lead to a positive outlook on learning in general, which will help them throughout life. In addition, using these online tools makes it easy for both teachers and parents to monitor what kids are working on and ensure that they are keeping up with each lesson’s daily requirements.
6) Digital counters develop fine motor skills
When kids move their fingers to tap on a screen, they’re strengthening their fine motor skills—and that’s crucial for later-life activities such as writing and drawing. Digital counters also improve focus: It takes a lot of concentration to hit specific spots on a touchscreen device with your fingers, so practicing digital counters makes kids better at focusing on whatever they’re doing.
Digital counters help kids practice math skills: A typical digital counter has 10 frames, and each frame represents a number from 0 to 9. As you fill up one frame, you have to move on to another one to count higher. This is an excellent way for kids to learn how numbers work together and how we can use them in real-life situations (such as counting money). Digital counters develop pattern recognition: Pattern recognition is important because it helps us understand how things work together in nature and society. Here you can learn about online character counter tools.
7) Digital counters help with following instructions
There are many reasons children learn best when they have an opportunity to count objects. In addition to helping them count, counters help kids learn how to follow instructions. When a parent or teacher gives instructions, children must pay attention and follow through until all the steps are completed.
If a child only counts one item at a time, they will complete their task successfully. They can use a digital counter to learn how to count each object and ensure that they don’t skip any steps. This will help improve their counting skills and teach them how to follow instructions.
8) Digital counters are a great teaching tool
First of all, they save you time. Instead of counting out ten objects, you can push a button, and your task is done! Secondly, they improve math skills: Counting aloud helps young kids practice adding and subtracting numbers. But as they get older, their teachers will expect them to be able to do math in their heads. Using digital counters trains children’s brains to recognize numbers quickly, making these skills easier to learn later on.
They help prevent mistakes: Having two sets of eyes watching what you’re doing can only increase your accuracy! And it helps build self-confidence, too; no child wants to stand in front of a classroom with shaky hands when she has a number to read aloud.
9) Digital counters build confidence in children
Research indicates that one of the most significant factors in a child’s mathematical growth is their confidence level. Many teachers recommend using digital counters to reinforce number concepts and promote self-confidence in children.
They recognize how difficult it can be for some students to succeed. Especially those who struggle with dyslexia, ADD/ADHD, or autism. Using physical objects as counting tools may present challenges for these students. Teaching kids about digital counters and how they work can provide an easy alternative to traditional numeracy models like rocks, sticks, and shells.
10) Digital counters allow children to improve hand-eye coordination
Your child will be able to navigate their digital device better, but they will also develop hand-eye coordination skills. This can be important for activities like sports and even handwriting. Handwriting is a skill that can take some time to create, and it’s not uncommon for kids who spend more time on video games than their homework to have poor penmanship.
Having excellent hand-eye coordination can help balance out these weaknesses. Your child will be able to navigate their digital device better, but they will also develop hand-eye coordination skills. This can be important for activities like sports and even handwriting.