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11 Measures For After a Dental Surgery Intervention

Dental Surgery

Within dental treatments, there are numerous reasons for having to submit the patient to a small dental surgery, be it for the extraction of a piece, the placement of a dental implant, or gum surgery.

Although these are small surgical operations that we do in consultation and that have a short duration, it is important that the patient takes special care in the hours and days after the surgery, to ensure that the recovery proceeds in good condition and is avoid adverse side effects. For this reason, at the dental clinic, dentists usually recommend a series of care, which we are going to describe in this article.

Care after dental surgery

Although it is a simple surgical intervention, the objective is twofold that the patient is comfortable and suffers as little as possible and, on the other hand, that the mouth heals as soon as possible and safely, to avoid infections. Significantly, Hawaii has a very active Surgical Tech Salary market as there are several companies currently hiring for this type of role.

This is simple care that patients can easily follow. We list them in 12 measures to take:

1. Bite a gauze pad for 20 min after the intervention

As soon as the dental intervention is finished, we usually place a gauze in the area, often impregnated with a disinfectant substance. And we request the collaboration of the patient to press biting it for approximately 20 minutes. This small action helps prevent any possible bleeding that you may suffer, facilitates the formation of a clot, improving healing. If bleeding persists, change the gauze and keep pressing.

2. Apply cold to the intervened area

It is a simple but effective measure to relieve pain and as anti-inflammatory action. Patients often fear the effects that dental surgery can produce on an aesthetic level because the area can become inflamed. But this measure largely slows inflammation. It is enough to apply some ice wrapped in a cloth in intervals of 15 minutes of application, 15 minutes of rest from the intervention until bedtime. The cold gel packs that we have in the freezer are also very useful.

3. Take the prescribed antibiotic treatment

Whether it is an extraction, tandimplantaat placement, or gum surgery, sometimes we prescribe antibiotics for 7-10 days after it. It is important to pay attention to the guidelines of the intakes, in terms of the duration of the treatment and the constancy so as not to miss any dose. For the antibiotic to be effective, we must constantly maintain a correct concentration in the blood.

4. Follow the guidelines of analgesic-anti-inflammatory treatment

The prescription of analgesics is indicated to minimize the discomfort caused by dental surgery. There are patients who avoid taking medication as much as possible, and we advocate not self-medication, but taking the medication prescribed by the specialist for a few days will help recovery to be carried out in a more comfortable way. In addition, if the patient does not suffer, the chances for that recovery to be faster increase.

5. Pay special attention to diet in the days after

These are some simple guidelines :

  • Do not drink hot food or drink, the heat increases the risk of bleeding.
  • Drinking cold foods and liquids for the first few hours will also help calm discomfort and prevent inflammation.
  • Eat soft foods for a few days, that does not require force when chewing and that are easy to eat.
  • Keep some measures during the first weeks: avoid sweets, nuts, foods with small seeds, foods with sticky textures, etc.
  • Put special care in the diet the weeks after the operation. Good nutrition is essential to help the area heal well and quickly. Take foods rich in vitamins, such as fruits and vegetables.

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6. Avoid mouthwashes in the first 24 hours

These can slow healing and make it more uncomfortable. After 24 hours after the intervention, chlorhexidine or saltwater rinses should be started, depending on the patient and what the doctor recommends.

7. Take extreme care in brushing and dental hygiene

In the hours after the intervention, it is better not to touch the area. But the next day you can do oral hygiene, taking into account some considerations:

  • It is important not to neglect oral hygiene.
  • Brush the area for the first few days with a soft bristle brush.
  • Do the cleaning slowly, in a non-aggressive way, but constantly and paying special attention to be effective.
  • In the event that the intervention has required stitches, be careful not to brush the area of ​​the threads until they are removed.

8. Avoid tobacco use as much as possible

In the case of smoking patients, we strongly recommend that they avoid tobacco use as much as possible. Especially during the first 24-48 hours after the intervention, it would be advisable not to smoke anything. And for the next few days, if you can’t avoid smoking, do it in a controlled way and as little as possible. Tobacco delays the healing process after dental surgery and increases the risk of infections, pain, and other complications.

9. Reduce the consumption of alcoholic beverages

As in any healing process, alcohol delays and makes it difficult.

10. Withdrawal of points

Of course, do not withdraw the points by your own decision and autonomously. It is important to go to the clinic to do it, where we will first check if it is time to release them and we will do it with the appropriate material and sanitary protocol.

11. When in doubt, ask for help

After each surgical intervention, we give patients a phone number that they can call at any time and on any day in case of emergency. For any strange symptoms, unspecified side effects or complications, do not self-medicate on your own initiative and consult us immediately.

As you can see, these are a dozen tips, easy to follow, but which will instead bring great benefits so that the recovery after dental surgery occurs in the best conditions.

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