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5 Science Backed Techniques To Try To Feel Less Alone

The perils of loneliness were apparent in our prehistoric predecessors’ hunter-gatherer tribes. Isolation from your tribe might result in death from famine or a dangerous wild animal. As a measure of self-preservation, it makes natural that humans would evolve to feel pain in reaction to loneliness.

In our current culture, this instinct for self-preservation still exists. When you’re lonely, your body is sending you a β€œwarning” to β€œdo something to change an unpleasant and maybe harmful situation.” And this β€œsomething” you should do is cultivate more profound, more meaningful human relationships.

This is easier said than done because loneliness may make it harder to perceive social signs accurately. This may create a vicious cycle in which our attempts to connect with others are met with social rejection, reinforcing the loneliness we’re seeking to escape.

But it’s not all doom and gloom. There are measures you can take to find more meaning in your social connections, as you’ll see in the following section.


 There Are 5 Things You Can Do to Feel Less Alone

While the science of loneliness is fascinating, the end objective is to become β€œsocially well-adjusted” and β€œnot lonely.” Here are a few practical ideas for enhancing your social connectivity. We’ve outlined five of the essential elements below.


  1. Don’t Place the Blame on Your Social Skills

It’s easy to blame your loneliness on a lack of social skills while you’re lonely. However, a lack of social skills isn’t the problem in general. Instead, β€œfeeling lonely makes us less inclined to use the abilities we already have.”

This statement surprised me since it seems like developing your social skills would be a fantastic place to start when attempting to interact with others. According to the β€œwide continuum” of lonely people, the majority of lonely persons do not lack social abilities, according to the β€œwide continuum” of lonely people.

Loneliness, on the other hand, is something that can strike anyone at any time. It doesn’t indicate you’re strange or abnormal in any way; it’s a universal human experience. What is important is how you respond to loneliness and whether or not you utilize it as a springboard to strengthen your bonds with others.


  1. Determine how much connection you require

Simply urging folks to β€œconnect with others more” isn’t particularly effective. This is particularly true because each person’s DNA predisposes them to a certain degree of social interaction. And the amount of connection required varies significantly from person to person.

As a result, don’t think that to be socially pleased, you need to be an extrovert and have a lot of social contacts. With a small circle of close pals whom you meet once a week, you may flourish. On the other side, your DNA may incline you to a greater desire for social interaction, which is just average.

It’s important to understand that β€œno one style of being is better than the other.” What important is that the degree of social connection you have corresponds to the level of social connection you’re prone to require. When those two levels are out of sync, you’ll experience loneliness.


  1. Recognize the Three Types of Relationships

So far, we’ve discussed β€œconnection” with other people in a broad sense. However, while examining the composition of your social life, it’s beneficial to take things a step further. You may more precisely measure whether your desire for connection is being satisfied this way.

There are three sorts of social connections that we may categorize:

Intimate connectivity is a connection with a significant other that is β€œup close and personal.”

Relational connectedness refers to your more extensive (but still close) relationships with friends and family.

Collective connectivity: This sort of connection refers to being a part of something bigger than oneself, such as a club, a professional organization, or even an entire country.

To prevent feeling lonely, we need a balanced mix of the various sorts of connectivity. However, keep in mind that this isn’t always the case. It’s possible to feel socially linked without being married, for example. Or to be a private individual who doesn’t require participation in a variety of organizations.

It’s important, once again, that the sorts and levels of social connections you have correspond to your genetic inclinations.


  1. Make an effort to broaden your horizons (Slowly and Carefully)

What should you do initially if you’ve decided to become more socially connected? When you’re just starting, look for ways to β€œreceive modest dosages of the pleasurable sensations that come with positive social encounters.”

Each pleasant contact you have increases your confidence in your ability to connect with people. Later on, this can help you gain the confidence you’ll need to engage in more profound, more vulnerable types of interaction.

Volunteering is one of the most low-risk ways to get started. Volunteering provides opportunities for small, positive social interactions that can boost your confidence, whether it’s tutoring children, feeding the hungry, or providing companionship to the elderly. It’s also intrinsically fulfilling and will make you feel better about yourself in general.


  1. Don’t Expect Anything

Not every contact will be a success when you begin reaching out to others and seeking to connect. In the grocery check-out line, the individual in front of you may reject your effort at small talk. Alternatively, the person you smile at on the street may gaze at the ground and continue walking.

So don’t take a few adverse reactions as proof that you can’t connect with others. Go forward and try again.



You now have a clear understanding of the complexity of loneliness. But, more importantly, I hope you can apply some of the concepts presented here to achieve the amount of human connection you desire. Things aren’t going to improve quickly, but loneliness isn’t a foregone conclusion. Seek top-quality essay writing help can assist you in resolving all conflicts that academics pose.

The professional researcher, researching about students and their academic lives. He loves reading books in his spare time and is recently venturing into a documentary about students’ lives. He takes a keen interest in assisting students with online assignment help.


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