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Health & Fitness

The 10 Basic Principles of the Back Pain

Principle 1

Regardless of your type of diet, your diet can be the cause of your back pain.

Whether you eat a “healthy” diet or an “unhealthy” diet, whether you’re a “vegetarian” or a “paleo”, whether you start your day with a green drink or an 18-ounce cup of coffee, whether you eat pizza or lunch. For salads, your back pain may stem from your diet.

As I learned from my own “Aha moment” (described in my Introduction), a diet needs to be healthy for YOU and YOUR DIGESTIVE SYSTEM, and everyone’s intestines are a little bit different. This means that what someone else deems “healthy” may not be right for you. Here you will be able to find our reviews on some of the Best Zero gravity chairs for Back Pain that can help resolve your back pain issues.

Principle 2

Regardless of your symptoms, diagnosis, or the severity of your back pain, your diet may be the cause of your pain. 

It doesn’t matter if you suffer from a nagging tight back or the kind of severe back pain that is incapacitating. Even if you have been diagnosed with a herniated disc, sciatica, degenerative disc disease, or spinal stenosis, your diet could still be the cause of much of your suffering. I will disparage my profession in a sense when I say that because most doctors feel such responsibility to give a diagnosis, even when they don’t know the cause, they will diagnose back pain and attribute it to a structural cause. Even if your diagnosis came from a diagnostic test, it may not be fully accurate. The only test that can help identify a root cause of digestive inflammation is an endoscopy, or a doctor who is trained to detect gut inflammation by applying pressure to various points on the abdomen.

Principle 3

Before undergoing any kind of invasive back procedure, rule out diet as your cause! 

The most important cult taught by doctors is a Latin phrase “premium nil nocere”, which means “no harm at first.” The information and basis of this book certainly match this saying, but our current aggressive structural remedies are in violation of this principle. These the most important PRINCIPLES OF THE BACK-DIET in this chart.

The failure rate for back surgeries is so prevalent that it has its own diagnosis, called Failed Back Surgical Syndrome (FBSS). Barring a spinal medical emergency, the treatment of back pain rarely requires immediate action. Invasive back treatments, such as surgery, can come with some serious medical risks and complications. You don’t want to take on those risks unnecessarily if the solution may be as simple as changing what you eat and drink. Before publication of this book, dietinduced back pain wasn’t even considered an option, an oversight that has resulted in many unnecessary and failed surgical treatments. Take your time to rule out diet as a cause. For example, my patient Jon did not do this until after a surgery failed to cure him; ultimately, he discovered nutrition to be the key to restoring his back and his life. 

Principle 4

You will know your answer in less than a month, and for a lot of people, within just two weeks!

The Diagnostic Nutrition Test in Chapter 4 will help you figure out your potential food allergens and create a tailored diet. Your body will respond quickly. If food is indeed a primary cause of your pain, then you will feel a significant difference after following the nutrition plan for just a few weeks. If not, then you will know to turn your attention to structural or emotional issues. My book 3 Weeks to a Better Back deals with solutions to these causes as well. 

Also Read:- Sorts of Back Pain: Middle Back Pain versus Thoracic Back Pain

Principle 5

The cause of most back pain isn’t just one factor.

Most back pain isn’t just one factor but rather a compilation of issues: posture, stress, weight, job, activity levels—the list goes on. However, diet is a huge missing piece that we all should take a look at. Maybe your diet change will translate into a one hundred percent improvement in your back pain; maybe it will be 33 percent (stress and/or structure being the other 66 percent of the cause). Regardless, it should improve your quality of life and help you achieve a total cure in conjunction with other treatments to achieve the health triad. These the most important PRINCIPLES OF THE BACK-DIET in this chart.These the most important PRINCIPLES OF THE BACK-DIET in this chart.

Principle 6

Just because a particular food is healthy or nutritious doesn’t mean it is healthy for you!

I always felt diets were so confusing. How can one author be touting the benefits of a vegan diet while another touts the benefits of a paleo diet? How can one diet be high protein and low carb, and the other be low protein and high carb? Which diet is right and which diet is wrong? The answer is that they are both right and both wrong. The real question, which was the moral of my “Aha moment,” is, “What is right for you?” Some people function better eating more proteins while others function better having more carbohydrates. Once you find out which diet or foods are uniquely right for you, you can rid yourself of your excess gas and your dietinduced back pain. The digestive solutions in Part II (“Proper Foods and Practical Meal Plans”) will help you figure out which diet is right for you and which isn’t ideal. here are some Best New Born Baby Welcome Status please check out

Principle 7

The quality of your bowel movements determines the quality of your digestive system, which determines the health of your back. 

When talking about diet, we seem concerned only with what a person is eating (input), but we also need to look carefully at the output to understand fully how the body is digesting and excreting the foods. Our bodies and back will not only function as well as the fuel we put into it (input) but also as well as how we eliminate our waste material (output).

Principle 8

Cut down on crap—but remember, you can have too much of a good thing!

Here is my list of “no-no’s” that are consumed in high quantities and are known culprits of back pain! 

  • Caffeine- Caffeine increases muscle contractions, which means that those back cramps or spasms could be caused by your daily cup of joe, especially if you find yourself consuming it in large doses. 
  • Sugar and sweeteners- The average American consumes about 175 pounds of sugar each year— including about 600 cans of soda a year, which is equivalent to ten teaspoons of sugar or an equal amount of artificial sweetener per pop. Too much sugar not only increases the rate at which you excrete calcium, but it also can irritate the digestive system and cause back pain.
  • Foods that end in -ose– Start reading your food labels. You’ll probably find that much of what you consume includes substances with names you probably can’t pronounce. Food is primarily made up of the first four or five ingredient listed on the label, so pay attention to the order in which the ingredients are listed. Ingredients ending in -ose are sugars, and prepared foods and condiments are loaded with them. 

Principle 9

Anything that can cause digestive distress can affect the muscular system, resulting in back pain.

This concept goes back to the concept of interconnectedness in the body and the internal chain reaction that can happen when one part of the body becomes irritated. Patients with digestive-related disorders, such as irritable bowel syndrome, for example, frequently complain of low back pain. For those with no gastrointestinal disorder, referred back pain can actually feel worse than the stomach ache and can truly become an example of what we often find, “The pain is not where the problem is.”

Principle 10

Variety is vital. Mix it up by having at least three different types of breakfasts, lunches, and dinners, as well as snacks, in your rotation.

An apple a day may keep the doctor near. We all need variety in our diets. This gives our digestive system time to digest other foods. If you tend to eat a large amount of carbohydrates, the small intestine, responsible for digesting those foods, may become too taxed. Too much protein can overrun the stomach, which needs to produce acid to digest the proteins.

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