Aikido – Japanese Martial Arts Sports History

Aikido, Japanese aikidō (“method of harmonizing energy”), martial art, and self-defense system which looks like the fighting methods jujitsu and judo in its own usage of twisting and throwing techniques and in its purpose of turning an attacker’s power and momentum against himself. Stress on vital nerve centers can also be utilized. Aikido practitioners train to subdue, rather than maim or kill, but many of its moves can nevertheless be deadly. Aikido especially highlights the importance of achieving complete mental calm and management of a person’s own body to master an opponent’s attack. As in other martial arts, the development of courtesy and respect is an integral component of aikido training.
In the early 20th century that they had been systematized in their modern form during the work of this Japanese martial-arts expert Ueshiba Morihei. There are no offensive moves in aikido. As taught by Ueshiba, it was so purely defensive an art that no direct competition between practitioners was possible. After a student of Ueshiba, Tomiki Kenji, developed a contest style (called Tomiki aikido) that incorporated aikido techniques. A competitor tries to score points by quickly touching an opponent with a rubber or wooden knife, along with the other tries to avoid and disarm the attacker. The two alternatives in wielding the knife.
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Traditional Aikido is non-competitive and promotions do not come through besting an opponent, however through demonstrating understanding of fundamental techniques and exercises, which become harder or hard as rank increases. In Aikido we attempt to work in cooperation with a spouse, still using effective strategy against an energetic and sensible assault, yet doing so by blending with the attack and redirecting its power back to the attacker. We practice techniques against a number of attacks such as kicks, punches, strikes, single-hand or two-hand grabs in front or rear, chokes, multiple individual attacks, and attacks with weapons. In all of these, we strive to resolve the battle at a non-lethal, non-disruptive, yet effective manner.
Techniques may end in joint locks or immobilizations, or in dynamic moves where the attacker is thrown forward or backward through the mat, or through the air into a spectacular breakfall.
Rather than primarily linear motions, Aikido is comprised of blending, turning, pivoting, circling, and spiraling. We are learning to deal not only with our own energy but together with that of an attacker or another person (or individuals ) as well.
Aikido embodies concepts that are at the same time very simple, yet very complex. Because of these and other differences, Aikido can be very hard to understand, yet at the exact same time can be quite rewarding because it’s ultimately bringing us into harmony with ourselves and with our world, and helping us to become more complete and integrated human beings.
Aikido is a really effective martial art for self-defense, but not only because it teaches us how to defend against many different attacks, but because it is also training our frame of mind and physical condition. Improved breathing and posture help us to fit into our own bodies; a positive state of mind affects how we move on earth and how we’re perceived by others.
The ability to maintain the physical center and psychological calm helps us in meeting stressful circumstances or in resolving conflict in a variety of situations in the dojo, on the road, in college, in a business meeting, or at home. Most martial arts may help us improve physical items like balance, timing, and reaction. Among the purposes of continued coaching is to move these items from mindful processing to automatic burnout. Aikido helps us develop our soul, sense of well-being, consciousness, and empathy. The multi-faceted strategy to Aikido training makes us stronger and more complete human beings, better able to diffuse or shield against damaging situations.
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