7 supervillains that transcend wickedness silently yet deadly!

Not all supervillains need insane superpowers to be the most dangerous and biggest defects. Some supervillains are more unsuspecting, leaving you unaware of just how deadly they are until it’s too late. And by that, I mean like they’re either so underrated or they just straight-up surprise you with their sheer power. Let’s get right into it, nerds.
Count Vertigo
Now aptly named Verner vertigo. He is a man who was born with an inner ear defect that affected his balance. So naturally, he was implanted with the device that corrected that and gave him the ability to cause extreme vertigo in other people. That’s right. His entire ability is disrupting his enemy’s balance. And honestly, you might think that’s not really anything to write home about. But trust me, it is a lot more useful than you might think.
Now count vertigo uses visibility to mess up the aim of even the best marksman to disrupt the guidance system with some of the most high-tech machinery and even use it to manipulate the emotions of people. It is causing them to flip between emotions like crazy. Though there are also two other count vertigos that fought against Green Arrow, they use drugs to cause the same effects, and they’re victims, and we are going to ignore them because using drugs is not cool.
Harley Quinn
In Batman, The Animated Series, Harley Quinn unintentionally pissed off the Joker. She proved just how valuable of a partner in crime she was. And how capable she is as a villain without even the Joker’s help. Harley and Ivy kidnapped Billionaire Bruce Wayne at the time. Or at least they believed they had. Since Batman was skilled enough to have escaped anytime he wanted. The ladies then made Bruce take them on a shopping spree. But still, that’s pretty impressive. Well, many also think that Harley is always moving closer to becoming softer and more of a hero than a baddie.
Let’s not forget when she executed one of the most villainous plots. Also, without the Joker! She succeeded in killing tons of children across Gotham with free explosives that were disguised as video games. Simply because she was bored and sort of felt lost in terms of what to do with herself. So yeah, don’t underestimate Harley Quinn and that funny-looking Harley Quinn Jacket.
Possibly one of the most underrated supervillains in the DC Universe. Angela Hawkins The third is Phobia, a member of the Brotherhood of Evil. And a constant enemy of the new Teen Titans. That is capable of bringing your deepest and darkest fears to the surface. She basically uses psychic abilities to access the fear center of your brain. It creates incredibly lifelike illusions that incapacitate pretty much everyone. Except for a select few who have been shown to be immune. Funnily enough, she is actually not immune to her own powers. She has some deep dark insecurities and phobias hidden away as well. Behind that, you know, tough exterior, and that was exploited by Raven in an attempt to convert her to the hero side of things. Obviously, that didn’t work, though, because since then, she has joined the injustice league as a new member.
You expect Giganta to be strong, of course, considering she is a gigantic woman. But I also feel like she’s a villain that is more often than not forgotten by people. So you might expect the strength to come along with her. Professor Zool was attempting to cure the rare blood disease that she was born with by experimenting on herself. Her mad scientist rays caused her to end up in a conflict with Wonder Woman. And later caused her to also become the villain she is today. In the original continuity of New Earth, Zool abducted the body of a strong woman named Olga. He is putting Giganta’s consciousness into Olga so that Giganta grows in size. The fans were disappointed since we did not get to see Giganta’s consciousness in Wonder Woman.
Now I personally love a good Onomatopoeia, But hey, I will take a bad one every now and then. And that is what this villain is. He is a serial killer that specifically targets non powered heroes, and he is so aptly named because he imitates the noises around him, such as gunfire or the dripping water. He also seems to be surprisingly durable for a human, able to take six arrows without slowing him down and drop at least seven stories and just keep on running. Now, this highly trained villain is one of the most clever out there. He not only attacks Oliver Queen’s son, Connor. But also fools Batman into revealing his identity. And also, in true villain fashion, he messed with Batman even further by killing his fiance Silver St. Cloud. Slitting her throat while imitating the sound Batman’s utility belt makes.
Reverse Flash
Professor Eobard “Zoom” Thawne is one of the many many speedsters that you’ll find scattered throughout time and space in the DC Universe. Also known as Professor Zoom, this biggest flash fanatic to ever live is capable of basically all the things that the flash and the speed family can do. You know, like time travel, super speed, and electrokinesis. But what really sets him apart is his ability to completely negate other’s connection to the Speed Force. He can effectively strip his fellow speedster of their powers and render them honestly useless. His most impressive footwork would probably be when he set the entirety of the New 52 in motion by creating the Flashpoint timeline. Almost every hero and supervillains die in some gruesome death thanks to the circumstances of this new universe.
Lex Luthor
Now when you boil it down, Lex Luthor is just a dude. He’s just a bald dude who has a big beef with Superman. Whether that’s because he doesn’t like the fact that Superman is an alien, or he blames Superman for his hair loss, depending on the comics you’re reading. The fact remains that his brilliant intellect puts him in the running to be one of the strongest, most powerful, and definitely most iconic Superman supervillains of all time. Luther is also the human who keeps one of the most super-powered heroes, Superman, on his toes. And that too, he managed to convince the country. Though Luther is a supervillain, he got people to vote for him as president is both pretty impressive and maniacal.
So next time you are looking for an antagonist, don’t ignore the little guys. Their ability to scheme and conjure plans makes them scarier than most. There you have all the top 7 strongest DC supervillains you wouldn’t expect to be as powerful as they are.