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Follow These Tips For An Unclogged Drain This Holiday Season

The holiday season can be draining as it is, and imagine having to deal with a clogged drain on top of all that existing stress. This can end up ruining our holidays altogether because no one wants to deal with a clog, especially with guests at home blocked drains in Penrith.

Yes, we understand your concern, and because we care about your holidays, here is a list of practical tips and suggestions to help ensure that one does not have to deal with blocked drains in Penrith or any other neighboring areas during the holidays.  

Tips To Keep Your Drain Running This Winters

Shotgun Showers

It is not uncommon to have a house full of guests during the holiday season. When we have guests over, it goes without saying that they will all use our showers and hot water because it is winter after all. While there is no issue with guests using our showers, we must ask the guests not to rush for the shower. 

This is important because constant water flowing can result in clogging the drains. Therefore, the best thing to do here is to ask the guests to wait for at least fifteen minutes after one person has already used the shower. This will give the drains sufficient time to clear, further diminishing the chances of transforming into a clogged drain. 

Dry Run

The best way to avoid any drainage issues in the holiday season is by ensuring that the entire plumbing system is ideal. In case we find any slow drain complexities or small leaks, we should get these issues fixed at the earliest as the drains and plumbing are generally tasked with big jobs in the holiday season. 

Therefore, it is always advisable to evaluate everything to ensure that things are ready for the holiday season. While you can do this on your own, it is always better to get it checked by a professional plumber.

Keep Track Of The Temperature Outside

The winter season is not a very significant time for drains and pipelines. There have been many cases where cold and even freezing temperatures caused the pipelines to freeze, disrupting the entire plumbing system. 

Hence it is highly recommended that we disconnect any exterior water hoses beforehand. Other than that, we can also leave the faucets dripping water as this will keep the water moving through the pipes without freezing. 

Ensure Appropriate Disposal Of Waste Products

It is no secret that most people still tend to dump their sanitary pads, cotton balls, or even baby diapers in the toilet. 

However, this has to change if we want to have a fun holiday season without worrying about plumbing and draining. If any guest visits our house, we should clarify that things should not be flushed down the toilet. It is further recommended to provide them with trash cans for dumping such materials.   

Concluding Thoughts

Holidays are an annual celebration, and nobody wants their holidays to be ruined because of blocked drains in Penrith and plumbing. Therefore, reach out to the professionals at the finest plumbing group and make sure that everything is in an appropriate condition and enjoy the holidays to the fullest. 

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