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Good morning by WhatsApp: The best phrases to start the day

Guten Morgen Montag Whatsapp

There is nothing better than waking up with a smile. For this reason, you have the opportunity to cheer up your loved ones with a good good morning phrase at the beginning of your WhatsApp conversations. Make each day different with a message for each occasion, we help you choose the best good morning phrases for WhatsApp! And remember that this person or group is part of your life, make them see that you care.

So that you can find the phrase that best suits what you are looking for or your mood, we are going to divide them into different categories that are the funniest, motivational to lift someone’s spirits, romantic to fall in love or the ones you want to use to animate a group in which you participate or manage. It may be interesting that you accompany these phrases with a funny emoticon, related to what you want to convey or within an image to make it much more original. If you edit your image in Paint, Canva or any other program adding this phrase will look great and it won’t take much time.

If you are looking for phrases with which to guten morgen grüße to someone on WhatsApp, here you will find many, and you can also use them for Telegram, SMS, social networks, messaging apps, forums or wherever you want, because they offer you many possibilities.

Funny quotes

If you want the people you care about to start the day on the right foot, you can add a touch of humor to your good morning. It is not a matter of going over and doing it always, but from time to time it is appreciated! Capture a smile from your partner, family and friends with a funny phrase to wake up.

Make them have fun, that they have a good time, that they start the day with a smile, that they feel special, that they discover that you love or appreciate them, that they know that there is always someone there. For this reason, we have made a compilation with the best messages designed for each of the main functions that these actions usually have. Get to know the phrases we have chosen for you!

As there is nothing better than resorting to humor with a good good morning phrase on WhatsApp, we give you some ideas. A sense of humor is one of the medicines that we should incorporate into our daily lives. So, without further ado, check out our selection of funny messages to send through the famous instant messaging app.

For some people, today is Monday. For me, it is the first step towards the weekend. Hello!

Sleeping costs nothing, what costs is having to get up. Good day!

Today I woke up like a field without cows: listless. Don’t start the day like me!

Today is such a heavy day that even my cup of coffee needs a coffee.

To work early, because I was born handsome, intelligent and faithful, but not a millionaire! Hello.

Good morning to all those beautiful people around me… well and the ugly ones too. Have a nice day!

Today I woke up happy, so if you have bad news, tell me tomorrow.

If life doesn’t smile at you, stick your tongue out at it. Have a good start to the day!

I have 206 bones, 650 muscles, 50 trillion cells. You can’t imagine what it’s like to lift all that in the morning.

Behind the curtains there is a whole world to discover. What are you waiting for? Hello!

Be happy today! Even if it’s just to fuck the haters.

Sleep so rich and wake up just as poor. Good day!

To be great in life you need to start doing great things. One of them, and one of the most difficult is: getting up early in the morning.

I wish you an aromatic coffee and a short Monday.

Hold on world, this hottie has already woken up.

Life is Beautiful. The ugly ones are you. Hello!

Wake up! That your dreams are not going to come true if you are going to stay in bed all day. Good morning, sleepyhead.

Good day! Although it may not seem like it, I already woke up. Who invites me to coffee?

When reality and your dreams collide, it’s usually the alarm clock that goes off.

Good morning to all who have the pleasure of meeting me.

To make your dreams come true, you must first wake up!

If you want to have a good day, smile, not only will you be happier, but you will make bitter people even more bitter, clashing with everyone.

What happiness! Another day to go to work. Said the ant when he woke up. But since we are not ants I wish you a very happy day because you will need it.

Today waste your time and run so that it doesn’t find you!

Life is a dream, but stop convincing me to spend my life sleeping. Get up now!

The one who gets up early… all day makes him sleepy!

Raise! That the one who gets up early, God gives him some beautiful dark circles.

I don’t want to interrupt your pillow romance, but it’s time to wake up!

I change a rooster that sings at 7 in the morning for one that sings at approximately 12.

Early risers go to bed too early.

Good morning, how did everyone wake up? Probably not as handsome as me. But it doesn’t matter, I wish you a day as beautiful as me.

According to a study from the University of Massachusetts (or perhaps another), a person sleeps on average a third of his life. I believe that you have already fulfilled all your available quota. Wake up!

Good morning lazy, I have to tell you a secret: tonight I dreamed of you. In my dream you appeared so handsome, tall and strong… What a shame to have woken up from that beautiful dream and see my sad reality!

Good morning, cotton cloud. Wake up before the water falls on you.

The dream state is like a roll of toilet paper: long and useful. You’ve spent hours in the bathroom, get out of there!

On Mondays I feel lazy to wake up. Oh, it’s Tuesday! Tuesdays too.

Today God has a beautiful day prepared for a very special person, so help me look for her when you read this.

As Calderón de la Barca said, life is a dream. But I don’t think that’s exactly what he meant. Awake!

Hello. And whatever you do, feel like it.

Hello! I am your good morning message, I come to remind you that you are one day older.

Motivational messages

Good mornings are also a good occasion to lift the spirits of the people you love, to tell them that they have new opportunities or that they are going to do well in everything that comes their way. You can make your day more special with a motivational phrase according to what you are experiencing at that moment.

All of us need at some point in our lives to be encouraged or told that we can, or simply that they are there, that’s why we give you some ideas of motivational messages with which to cheer up friends, family, co-workers, your partner or whoever you want.

Make the mornings more bearable for your family, friends, partner, co-workers, groups or whoever you want with a good good morning phrase on WhatsApp. One day you may need it, and it is always nice to know that there is someone to cheer you up when you need it most. Therefore, know some of the phrases that we have chosen to brighten the morning of whoever you want.

Life is like a mirror: if I smile, the mirror smiles back. The attitude you take towards life is the same that life will take towards you.

Never save something for a special occasion. Being alive is already the most special occasion of all!

Hello! Be so happy that when others look at you, they are happy too.

It is you who cultivates in the garden of your mind. Sow happy thoughts and you will reap happiness.

You cannot do anything to change what has already happened, but it is in your hands to change what is to come.

When everything seems to be going against you, remember that planes take off against the wind, not with it.

Get up, someone out there has asked for you. It’s called happiness and it’s going to give you a great day!

Only one thing makes a dream impossible: the fear of failure.

Always smile in the morning, even if you are sad, since you never know who can fall in love with your smile.

I hope that today you achieve what you set out to do. Everything is possible. Have a wonderful day.

Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in getting up every time we fall.

Failure is not falling, failure is refusing to get up.

There is no tree that the wind does not shake.

If you can’t stop thinking about something, don’t stop working towards it.

A journey of a hundred thousand kilometers begins with a single step.

Everything you can imagine is real.

The beginning is always today.

A positive attitude gives you power over your circumstances instead of your circumstances having power over you.

Don’t worry about what is to come, worry about recovering and resting

There are only two days in which nothing can be done, one is called yesterday and the other tomorrow. So today is the day to love, grow, improve yourself, be happy, but above all things live.

Just when the caterpillar thought the world had ended, it turned into a butterfly.

If you fall down three times, get up four.

Always keep in mind that: “He who limps, still walks.”

If you can’t fly, he runs, if you can’t run, walk, if you can’t walk, crawl, but whatever you do, keep going.

We don’t have to tear down our dreams, we have to tear down the barriers that prevent us from fulfilling them.

When you wake up in the morning, remember how lucky you are: you are alive, you can breathe, think and enjoy life.

Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living other people’s lives.

The universe does not conspire against you, but neither does it go out of its way to align your path.

If plan A doesn’t work, remember that the alphabet has 26 more letters.

Don’t let fear stand in your way. Start the day with energy!

Only those who risk going too far can find out how far they can go.

Use the weapon of your smile, against those who only want to see your tears.

If you failed yesterday, it doesn’t matter, today you have the opportunity to start again.

There is a path at your feet, your joy is the best luggage to travel it.

Today is a new day. Even if you did it wrong yesterday, you can do it right today.

Life is a book of adventures, and each day lived is another page of our history.

The most romantic to fall in love

If you have a partner, he will appreciate it if you dedicate some nice words to him. If you don’t wake up with that

person every morning, or you don’t do it every day, you have an excellent opportunity to show them how much you love them thanks to WhatsApp. Although a romantic phrase is the one that comes from your heart, and especially when you meet the person, we give you some more proposals if you lack inspiration.

Once you are conquering someone, take advantage of the good morning messages to make them interested in you, put your imagination into it and win! Awaken your most romantic side and launch yourself into conquest. Dedicating a few nice words to him when you just got up, showing him that you think of that person, is something that he will value a lot.

Here you will see some of the best phrases to make a person fall in love on WhatsApp wishing them a nice day, whether you have just met the person or if they are your partner or you have been married for many years. If you also accompany these phrases with a good photo, you will make a better impression. Give a romantic touch to your mornings.

I don’t need paradise, because I already found you. I don’t need dreams either, because I’m already with you.

People often say that mornings are not good. I don’t agree, because every morning, since we’ve been together, is incredible. Good morning my love!

Very good day! I hope it is as beautiful for you as your smile is for others.

When you stop chasing the wrong things, the right thing comes along and grabs you. You have a good day!

If the day dawns rainy, make the sun shine with your smile.

Have a good day love, I hope that today and every day of my life I can continue telling you.

I love you so much that I couldn’t sleep any longer.

I run away from my dreams because my reality is more beautiful than all of them. And that is you.

Every day I am happy because the first thing I do is think of you.

Tonight I dreamed of you, and when I woke up in the morning, I was still thinking of you.

There is nothing better than seeing that you are by my side when I wake up, you give me motivation to face the day and the pleasure of living thinking of you.

Stealing your kisses is still my favorite activity from the first second I open my eyes.

Since I’ve been with you, my pillow knows you as much as I do, since every night before falling asleep I think of you and talk about your charms.

Tonight someone came through my window and took my heart. Know that I’m going to report you, precious.

Wake up my love, that a beautiful day awaits us to enjoy it and not.

As much as the Sun is shining this morning, I have no doubt that you will shine even more.

Since I’ve known you, being happy has names and surnames.

The dream is mine, but the only person capable of making it come true is you.

Good mornings are not given, they are made.

I put the coffee and you the smile. Have a nice day!

I don’t want this day to pass without telling you how much I love you. That’s why I’m telling you good morning. I love you Love!

If natural beauty had a personified representation, I have no doubt that I am before it. Have a nice day, precious!

I would love to see you without makeup every morning of my life. You dare?

I wake up I think of you, asleep I dream of you.

I hope you have dreamed of the little angels, because there are few of us left.

Yesterday I said hello and you didn’t answer me. I left you speechless, I know.

Every day that I wake up is more special, because, even if you are not by my side, you appear in my mind.

Today is the most beautiful day of my life, but tomorrow will be much better.

Not every day will be good, but there will always be a reason to give yourself a smile.

The sun rises every day, but since he met you he wears his most radiant suit.

How time flies, weeks ago I didn’t even know you and now I love you like I never have!

There is no pleasure like waking up, that you appear in my mind and remember that you are in my life.

Have a wonderful day, my love, and endure the hours until we see each other again.

The love that heals everything is madness.

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