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How‌ ‌Can‌ ‌Rainfall‌ ‌Affect‌ ‌Your‌ ‌Car‌ ‌Tires?‌ ‌

If you’re a trustworthy vehicle owner, then you must know the potential hazards of driving in the rain. It has been proclaimed that more than 700,000 auto accidents happen each year worldwide due to driving in the midst of a rainfall.

The main reason behind the dangers of driving in the rain is that the tyres of the vehicle fail to make a considerable amount of contact with the road surface. As a result, the overall control of the car gets diminished, and thereby accidents occur. Therefore, if you want to safe when driving in the rain, you definitely want to know about the potential issues and how rainfall can affect your vehicle tires. Keeping the same in intention, we will be sharing some much-needed information about the same, so that you can take lengthy precautions beforehand.

The Method Through Which Rainfall Can Affect The Tires Of Your Car


Hydroplaning can be defined as the situation where all the tires of a car lose traction due to the presence of water on the road surface. It should be realised that rain can easily mix up with oil residue present on the road surface and thereby create massive slippery conditions. This situation mainly occurs when the vehicle is moving at speed more than 35 MPH. Ultimately, the tires tend to lift away from the road surface, and thereby it becomes challenging to control the vehicle.

You must remember that when you drive your car especially during a rainfall, ensure that you don’t turn sharply or do abrupt braking – as it can quickly throw your vehicle into a skid. Try to hold the steering wheel as firmly as you can and try not to steer away from in other directions. It’s vital that you slow down your vehicle before you start making any turns or applying the brakes. 

Some notable tire features that can easily affect the onset of hydroplaning are:

How Can You Avoid Hydroplaning?

It’s indeed relatively straightforward if you want to prevent the onset of hydroplaning. It should be remembered that the risk of hydroplaning can not only happen during any heavy rainfall but also during snowfall or rainstorm as well. However, by following the below procedures, you can easily avoid hydroplaning:

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