How custom retail boxes helped Henry’s promotion

The detailed information related to custom retail boxes prompted me to promote an employee. He worked in the production department. Being thorough in this information resulted in his promotions and placement in the management department. Henry has been a hard-working lad since day one. We hired him five years back in the production department. In our company, we are always looking for people who can be recruited internally. We feel that they should be given a chance to apply their learning of one department into another for maximum gains. Henry had proved to be an asset to the company. He knew a lot about the manufacturing mechanism of custom retail packaging. But, he had not handled any client independently. He was only assisting with the different manufacturing projects of custom retail boxes from start to finish. The production manager was very happy with the progress he had made.
One fine day Henry was in the management department to discuss the production process details with one of the managers. This manager was also looking after the clients of Mary, who had taken a leave for three days on account of her mother falling ill. One of Mary’s clients showed up at the office unannounced. He was an old client of the firm. He looked panicked and walked straight into the management department. Previously, he had never complained about his custom retail packaging. In fact, he trusted our company to provide him with the most effective solutions for his products. As he walked in and sat with the manager looking after Mary’s clients, he explained how COVID had affected the sales of his profits. Although his online sales had gone up, the retail sales everywhere were not looking encouraging.
Moreover, his product was small in size and if he opted to change for large custom printed retail packaging, it would require more investment. He wanted to do something with the custom retail packaging of his products that would help bring them to the notice of the customers shopping at the various departmental stores. One option of re-launching the packaging was suggested by the manager but was refused straight away because he did not want to invest more in such bleak times. He wanted an idea that would utilize old custom printed retail packaging of his products in some form without spending much. That is when Henry asked for permission to speak up. Though people in the room were startled Mr. Staten, the old client listened to his suggestion intently. Henry asked him to make use of custom cardboard boxes for displaying his products.
He further elaborated that custom display boxes can be used for this purpose. These boxes can be manufactured from sturdy stocks to display the already packaged products of his company. These custom display boxes can be placed near the exit counters of the retails to remind the customers of the product. These custom cardboard boxes would provide the perfect tool to separate their products from the clutter in the marketplace. Mr. Staten loved the idea. He ordered rigid custom display boxes then and there. The main reason for this selection was its durability. This way retails only had to restock these display boxes with the product.
It took him an hour or so to finalize the customization tools for these boxes. He finalized all these options with Henry and thanked him profusely for coming up with such a cost-effective idea in a timely fashion. Being a human resource manager, I noted this accomplishment of Henry and forwarded it to my boss. He called in me and the production manager, to discuss the promotion of Henry. Both of us agreed to it. Today is Henry’s first day and we all expect him to perform his best.
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