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How is Montessori Different from Traditional Education?

In the past, the Indian education system was a rich system linked to nature and life, not like today, where the education system is more about memorizing information being tested until you finish school. Fortunately or unfortunately, this type of education is widely accepted globally. Anywhere you go today you will find several schools offering a traditional system of education. Education has come a long way with new curriculums and improvements to the existing ones.

The Montessori curriculum is one that has increasingly gained popularity among international schools in India. The syllabus is said to benefit students more than the traditional system, especially in honing 21st-century skills. You will find schools in India today offering the Montessori program and an amplified version of the higher classes’ CBSE syllabus. This goes to show that both systems have their advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of traditional education


Advantages of Montessori curriculum


Education comes in many forms, and no one can say that it is useless or non-beneficial. The final decision is up to you as a parent. As long as your child gets an education, they are capable of being an agent of change.

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