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How Should an Article Be Ended – Article Conclusion Guidelines?

Article Conclusion


Do you know what the toughest job in writing an article is? A lot of people say that it is the conclusion. You do extensive research, outline all the article elements, and structure your article well. After doing all this, what is next? The next part is writing the article conclusion, which most students and writers regard as the toughest job.

Talking about the findings is important, but you should do it in a proper manner. Often, many writers say that a proper ending is more important than a good beginning. It means that the article’s conclusion holds immense importance in writing. Keeping this importance in view, today’s article is all about how you should put an end to your article. It will discuss all the necessary elements required in writing an article conclusion. Before moving on further, let’s define the term article conclusion.

What is an article conclusion?

An article conclusion is a formal end to your discussion. It summarises all the information in a nutshell. The length of the conclusion usually does not exceed a paragraph. Normally, it summarises the thesis statement and discusses the findings in light of the research questions. Always remember that no new information comes in the conclusion section. You only discuss what you found after researching. You can even buy assignment online if you face any issue in writing a conclusion.

How do you write a good conclusion?

After knowing what an article conclusion is, it is time to discuss how to write a conclusion. What are the strategies for writing effective conclusions? So, below is the description of all the strategies that can help you write a perfect conclusion. Let’s have a look below.

Play the “so what” game

Feeling stuck at writing a conclusion is normal. You may feel like you are short of words and cannot write the conclusion. In such situations, you always should play a game. This game is called the “so what” game. Whenever you make a statement, ask your friend to say “so what” or “why is this statement important.” After this, ponder that question from your friend and try to answer it with reasonable logic. The logic based on what you will answer the question is going to create new ways of extracting knowledge and writing conclusions. See how effective this “so what” game is when writing an article conclusion.

Return to themes in the introduction

This second strategy completes the circle. It brings the reader’s thoughts back to the start of the article. You should link the research questions with the findings of your article. For example, if you have started writing the article describing a scenario. The conclusion must describe the scenario once again and tell the readers about the new understanding of the scenario based on the facts. You may also refer to the introductory paragraph using the same keywords or a similar concept in the conclusion.

Do not repeat things.

What many researchers do is that they simply repeat the results. They should know that the results’ place is the chapter of results, not the conclusion. In conclusion, you only summarise the major findings based on your research questions. You try to give an impression that all the research questions have been answered and complete the research.

An excellent article conclusion pulls all the things together. It takes all the supportive evidence and results and combines them. This whole combination makes a conclusion good, not the repetition of the results.

Propose a course of action

As a researcher, you must also touch on the practical side of your research in the conclusion. Proposing a course of action directs the reader’s thoughts towards the practicality of the research. Proving the solution to the issue also explains the broader implications of the research article. So, it is important to propose a course of action in the article’s conclusion.

What are the five elements of the conclusion?

The conclusions are the backbone of research. Effective conclusions follow some rules and regulations, which are also called elements. Hence, a brief description of the elements of the conclusion is as follows;

1.     Restate the main idea

The safe point to being your conclusion is recalling the central idea of your research. Every section of your research writing supports the central idea. So, there is no bad in restating the main theme again in the article conclusion section. In addition, it will strengthen the research. You should try to make the main idea a bit fresh. Do not just repeat the introductory lines of the dissertation or thesis as it is. Repeating word by word undermines your credibility, and the reader thinks you do not have words to conclude your article.

2.     Summarise at least three main points

Three points are a good benchmark for an overall summary. Do not restate every argument that you made in the article. If you do so, it will eat up a lot of space for the article. Explain and summarise just the three arguments you believe are the most important. Pull all the arguments in one special force.

3.     End on a high note

Ending on a high note is the most important element that you should not miss. Explaining everything is good, but you should also leave the reader wanting more. You must close the article with a thought-provoking sentence. Good quotations or any other powerful sentence from your research can end your article conclusion well.

4.     Length of conclusion

Length is an important element of the conclusion. The conclusion of most of the articles does not exceed more than two paragraphs. It is difficult to conclude in two paragraphs with so much information in mind. But you should be able to do it.

5.     No new ideas

The last key element of a conclusion is that it does not include new educational information. You should only describe and summarise the topic based on what you have gained in the form of results.


After reading the above guidelines, writing an article conclusion should not be a problem. Certainly, other things are also available about writing perfect conclusions on the internet. You can look for them over there.

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