How To Clean a Room With ADHD (Pro Tips)

We understand how difficult it is to clean a room with ADHD. People with ADHD have a difficult time organizing themselves.
Organizing a house is hard for people with ADHD, especially when they desire an organized home. Second, managing a household with ADHD requires a lot of time.
Everybody wants to live in a clean house, and house cleaning is an essential part of our lives. Is it possible to properly clean a room if you have ADHD?
I won’t worry about you. You can make house cleaning a simple, easy task by following some right strategies. In today’s article, we’ll share some helpful tips for managing your house while dealing with ADHD.
Use Bins For Proper Management
By using bins, I can manage my room better; when there is no trash in your room, it naturally looks organized. By using bins, ADHD individuals can simplify their cleaning and reduce effort.
You can fight clutter before it happens by keeping a few clear plastic containers in your closet or storage area. The room could even have multiple bins, each organized by category.
Identify the items that collect around your house if you cannot think of any general categories. Organize your bins by the things that end up everywhere.
If you purchase colored bins for different trash types, you will be able to sort each cluttered item into its appropriate container. However, you must keep one bin close to your bed. You can quickly toss trash such as cookies or snacks into this bin.
Whenever you bring something home that does not have a home, make sure it goes in a bin. Bins can be used to store excess items until they can be used.
If your room is clutter-free, naturally, your mind like a peaceful environment, and you can sleep better. But for the ADHD mind, it’s difficult to fight against clutter continuously.
Because it’s pretty difficult for them to organize things and keep track of them, clutter follows them not just to their home but also to their workspace and even to their cars. If you find yourself in a constant war with clutter, you can follow these three simple ways to get a win.
Do a Regular Decluttering Sweep
You don’t have to clean your house from top to bottom every day. Clutter will never be solved by this method, especially for people with ADHD.
Adina says that you should devote 30 minutes each week to decluttering your home. You may do it all at once or break it up into three 10-minute sessions over the week.”
Decluttering should be broken up into three 10-minute sessions for people with ADHD. Before you get started, grab your “catch-all” bin, a recycle bin, and a laundry hamper.
Handle Your Clothes Properly
There is a lot of clutter created by clothes and it disturbs our entire environment. Take ten minutes to gather all the clothes, then put them in an almirah.
Make sure to throw away any old clothes you left behind. Too many rotten garments spread clutter in a room, and one must take action to manage them.
Always Buy A Furniture With Storage
Household clutter is also caused by temporary storage. You can easily manage clutter if your furniture has plenty of built-in storage. Separate everything as much as you can. Organizing everything this way will make it easy to find it later when you need it.
List the things you have done
A list of the things they’ve cleaned is crucial for an ADHD mind. ADHD brains rush from one thing to another without taking the time to reflect or focus. Due to this fast processing, we can lose track of where we stand with our tasks.
You can keep track of your cleaning routine with a cleaning chart. By keeping your goals organized and checking them off as they are achieved, you will achieve them more quickly.
It is also possible to use dry erase boards (whiteboards). So, you’ll be able to update the board every week, and you’ll be able to set goals at the beginning of each week.
Therefore, it will be obvious whether I thoroughly cleaned the carpet or vacuumed the living room. With a chart, you can always remember you can do the work.
Managing your home cleaning system in this manner is straightforward and easy. ADHD minds require a system for quickly and efficiently cleaning their homes.
Starting with the little things is always the best way to clean
ADHD sufferers find it very stressful when they have too many things going on at once. Avoid cleaning stress by not doing everything at once.
Do not start by cleaning the entire house. Instead, start with a small area. You can clean small objects quickly and in fewer steps, so when you have cleaned small things in your house, you will feel even more confident to clean larger items. As a result, you will work more efficiently and experience less stress.
Mirrors and glasses are essential elements of home decor and outfit. Mirrors that are clean and shiny look luxurious, and you will be pleased to see them in your home.
The sight of sparkling and clean glasses in their house is especially inspiring to ADHD people. A clean-looking mirror and glass enhances the beauty of everything around them.
Also, those with ADHD minds should clean their mirrors & glasses. Glass is not just for makeup rooms. Perhaps it’s a tabletop glass, a frame, or a window. Before cleaning anything, start with a small object and make a list of the items you will need.
All the glass surfaces should be cleaned with a damp microfiber cloth or foam and a dry cloth.
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