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How to Pack an Apartment in One Day


Most of us live hectic lives and find it difficult to find the time and get started with the packing process. However, this checklist we put together on how to pack an apartment in one day, coupled with planned efforts and a cool mind should help you sail through the last day.

In this article, we share tips on how to pack your belongings one day before the move, assuming that you have not done much in advance. Hopefully, you have stocked on the packing supplies such as:

• Cardboard Boxes
• Old Newspapers
• Bubble Wrap
• Packing Tape
• Packing Paper
• Markers
• A pair of Scissors

You will need these to make it easy to move your stuff and also protect them from damage during the transit whether you are moving apartments within a city or moving to a new state. If you intend to hire packers and movers in jaipur anytime soon, they will bring the packing supplies and you will only have to supervise to make sure that your things are being handled and packed well. If you have decided to pack and move on your own, even then the list below ought to help.

How to Pack for a Move in One Day

Here is a checklist of everything you need to do to pack your apartment a day before the move.

  1. Tackle Each Room Separately
    Instead of running into each room and bringing stuff from the cabinets, wardrobes and bookshelves in one area to start packing, it is essential to tackle each room separately. This will save you a lot of time and energy since you will not have to carry around stuff from one room to another. It can also reduce any chances of feeling overwhelmed since it can happen if you start worrying about everything that you need to do in a day. Go to each room with the packing supplies and start packing things in the same category in the boxes. Pack books in small boxes and lighter things such as clothes, accessories, etc. in large boxes. Pack fragile items in bubble wrap. Cover the bottom and the top of the box with newspapers to safeguard the items from dust. Also, label each box with an appropriate name like books, utensils, crockery, etc. Mark fragile, delicate or handle with care with glassware, bone china or breakable decor items.
  2. Create a Purge and Donate Pile
    It is recommended to create an apartment checklist at least 2 weeks in advance since it helps in dividing the tasks and packing stuff easily. Planning in advance will also give you enough time to identify junk and eliminate it before the crazy day of the move. Even if you did not get the time for that, you can still declutter your house by creating purge and donate piles while packing. Just pack everything that you think you need in your new house. If you are not 100% sure about something, put it in the purge or donate pile. Do not pack these things until you have finished packing all the stuff you actually want to take to your new house. Once you are done with that, take a quick look at these piles. You can also ask your family members to participate in this task. If you have not used anything for over 2 seasons, or if something has broken for months and you have been meaning to get it fixed but never did, or if you have kept something you cannot use just for some sentimental value, just let it go. You will feel lighter. It will also reduce the possibility of junk making it to your new home.
  3. Label Your Boxes Thoughtfully
    Whether you have hired a company that provides packing and moving services or you have decided to handle packing on your own, the boxes need to be labelled properly. You can write the contents of the box with a marker, the room it will go in, number the boxes in the same room, etc. For special items, create labels such as “Open First”, “Important”, etc. Consider labelling on all 4 sides of the box to reduce loading and unloading time and also finding information about the contents of the box easily. If you have a printer at home, you can create labels on your computer or laptop, print them and then paste them on the box. This can save you a lot of time since you will not have to write on each side of the box. By creating the content list on your computer, you will also have a master list of all the boxes and the content in each one of them for reference when you are looking for a specific item before you unpack and set up the whole apartment.
  4. Pack a 72-Hour Kit for Each Family Member
    No matter how well you plan the move, a few days before the move and a few days after can be a little chaotic. You may need to take some time to get settled in your new surroundings, get used to staying in a new place and set up everything the way you want it. Therefore, it is essential to pack a 72-hour kit for each member of the family so that they have all their daily essentials in one place. Even if their room is not set up, they must be able to find everything they need on a daily basis from their hair brushes, combs, shampoo, toothbrush, medication, etc. in that kit. This is one of the best packing tips for relocating to alwar, particularly for families. You will have to make a list before you pack these kits and involving the family members in creating this kit or bag can save you a lot of time.

If you are unfamiliar with your new neighborhood, spend a few minutes checking out the nearest grocery stores, restaurants, malls, etc. online. This will ensure that you will not have to worry about your meals or getting your essentials such as groceries, toiletries, etc. immediately after you move. The best thing you can do to keep your move stress-free is to stay calm and take a break after every few hours of packing and doing chores. Moving to a new apartment will then be an exciting and memorable experience.

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