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How to Sell Your Car Online in Brisbane

In Australia, 30% of those who bought new cars said they considered buying a used car first. As someone looking to sell their car, you’re trying to convince people that your used car is better than a fancy car off the lot.

It’s not as big a task as it seems. As long as you can get your car cleaned, prepped, and are willing to put in some time and effort, you’ll be selling your vehicle in no time. Especially if you know you’ve got something everybody wants!

If you’re looking to sell your car online in Brisbane, read on for the process and tips to get the best price right away!

While it seems relatively straightforward, the process of getting ready to sell your car and selling your automobile is lengthy and time-consuming. It takes more than an ad on Craigslist and some negotiation!

Here is everything you’ll need to do to sell your car online in Brisbane.

Pick a Platform

When you’re selling a car, you have two choices: either you can sell on a site like Craigslist where you can find your buyer or sell your car to a company.

Both these options have their benefits. But, you’ll be picking based on how quickly you want to sell your car and what you’re comfortable with.

With sites like Craigslist, you’re bound to see more scammers and fraudulent offers. It also takes time for your ad to get any traction and several meetings with buyers for sale to go through.

When you sell to a company, you receive the best price and won’t have to vet them beforehand! They’ll offer the best price and even arrange a pick-up and drop!

Fix What Isn’t Working

It’s worth putting in some extra work when you’re selling your car online. Saying that your vehicle ‘needs some work’ is the best way to have a sale fall through. Nobody is interested in having to fix something themselves.

So, take some time to fix your balding tires and scratches. Most of all, ensure that your car’s safety fixtures are in perfect condition. It’s a great selling point and will let your vehicle sell for a higher price.

Clean the Car

A quick trip to a car wash is necessary before you start thinking of selling your car. A clean car can do wonders for advertising and getting a better price on your vehicle.

Before you take pictures of your car, wash the outsides and vacuum the insides. Take any personal items out of the car and remove any clutter that might have accumulated over time. Nobody wants to see three-day-old garbage!

Take a Lot of Pictures

Selling your car online in Brisbane requires more pictures than you’d think. Here are a few tips for when you’re taking the pictures:

  • Ensure that the images are well-lit.
  • Make sure there aren’t any shadows cast across the car.
  • Choose a plain background.
  • Take a photo from every angle.
  • Take pictures of the inside and use a flashlight if required.
  • You will have to take updated images for potential buyers.

Wrapping Up

Selling a car is no easy business, but you can quickly get a reasonable price for your old car with a bit of time, effort, and pictures.

Be prepared to field many questions, do a lot of negotiation, and spend a little money on your car! After all, you can’t get anything if you don’t give a little.

Finally, just have some faith, and you’ll be selling your car in no time!

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