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Important Yoga Asana for Reducing Belly Fat

Today our lifestyle has become such that we do not get time to exercise properly. With him, every other person is troubled by the increasing fat of the stomach due to the present-day food habits and increase in eating of junk food. Abdominal fat is very fast, but it becomes very difficult to work. But it is not impossible to get it working, if you are also troubled by the increasing fat of the stomach, then in this article we are going to tell you the best yoga tips for a flat stomach in which you have grown.

Due to increased abdominal fat, we become obese. It causes belly fat. Due to which there is difficulty in bending the abdomen, walking more or climbing stairs and breathing becomes difficult. According to doctors, people suffering from obesity are at greater risk of getting sick with diseases like heart attack, stroke, diabetes, arthritis, high blood pressure and cancer. But you can get rid of this problem by doing regular exercise and yoga. And can also get rid of obesity and other diseases forever. In this post, we are going to share with you some methods of reducing belly fat.

Yoga tips to reduce belly fat

Yogasana is an activity which not only helps in working the fat of the stomach but also provides amazing benefits to the whole body. There is a method of doing yoga asana and it has to be done step by step. So let us know which is the Yogasan which is effective in getting rid of the increased fat of the stomach.

Practice the follow yoga asanas to reduce belly fat:

Surya Namaskar to reduce belly fat

“Surya Namaskar” is the best posture to make the body full of energy and freshen up. It is a yoga practice in which all the parts of the body work together and at one time. This yoga is most effective in reducing increased abdominal fat. Surya Namaskar is a confluence of 12 asanas. Doing Surya Namaskar (sun salutation) in front of the sun every morning can provide many benefits.

How to do Surya Namaskar

Step 1: The first step of Surya Namaskar is called Pranam Asana. To do this, first of all, keep both legs crossed and stand upright and bring both hands near your chest in prayer.

Step 2: The second step of Surya Namaskar is Hastottanasana. Take deep breaths while doing this. Take your two hands straight upwards as you breathe. And try to bend yourself backwards.

Step 3: While doing this, while exhaling slowly, lean forward. With this, try to apply the ground to your palms and at the same time try to touch the forehead with the knee without bending the legs. This action of Surya Namaskar is called Padahastasana.

Step 4: Ashwa Sankalanasana is the fourth step of Surya Namaskar. While breathing in it, bend your left leg slightly and move the right leg backwards. And also put both your palms on the ground.

Step 5: The next step of Surya Namaskar is Parvatasana. In this step, while exhaling, stretch your right leg backwards. After that lift the body upwards from the middle. While doing this step keep your hands straight and try to touch the ankles from the ground.

Step 6: Now lie straight on the ground in this step, continue breathing as well. This state of Surya Namaskar is called Ashtanga Asana. In this step, your knees, chest and chin will touch the ground.

Step 7: The next step of Surya Namaskar is Bhujangasana. In this step, lift the upper part of your waist. During this, let the breath remain as it is. And keep both your palms close to the ground.

Step 8: In this step, raise the body upwards again. Keep both of your hands together straight. In this step, try to touch both your ankles from the ground. This step of Surya Namaskar is called Parvatasana.

Step 9: The next step of Surya Namaskar is Ashwa Sanchalanasana. Breathing in, bring the left leg forward and sit down. Also, keep your right foot perfectly straight and keep the knee fixed to the ground.

Step 10: Padhasthasan is the 10th step of Surya Namaskar. In which you have to bring your right foot forward while exhaling and touch both your palms from the ground and your forehead without kneading your feet.

Step 11: In this step, try to lift both your hands upwards with your body. With that, stretch the body backwards. This step is called Hastotanasana.

Step 12: Pranam Asana is the last step of a cycle of Surya Namaskar. In which you have to come again in a state of salutation by standing upright. In this way, one of your sun salutations will be completed.

To reduce fat, you need to repeat this cycle at least 25 -30 times every day. Initially, you can divide it into two parts.

What are the benefits of Surya Namaskar?

Precautions while practising Surya Namaskar

Naukasan to reduce belly fat

Naukasana or boat pose is a very beneficial yogasana to reduce abdominal fat and improve the digestive system. Doing this daily strengthens the stomach muscles and also helps in relieving the discomfort associated with the stomach. So let us know about the boat pose in detail. Yoga teacher training in Rishikesh is a great beginner course to get acquainted with all the yoga basics.

How to do boat pose (Naukasana)

What are the benefits of boat pose?

This asana is very effective on kidney disease. This can reduce the creatinine level.

Naukasana precautions

Reduce belly with Kapalbhati

Somebody has said a lot, “Do yoga and remain healthy”, in fact, yoga is not a work of any boon received by man. Although there are many asanas in yoga, it would be wrong not to use Kapalbhati to reduce the stomach. Kapalbhati is an asana with the help of which you can not only reduce belly fat, but it is very effective in keeping your mental health stress-free. So let’s know how to reduce stomach pain with Kapalbhati.

How to do Kapalbhati Pranayama

Kapalabhati is pranayama. Remember, breath is very important in pranayama, so pay special attention to your breath while doing Kapalbhati. Let us know the right way to do Kapalbhati Pranayama.

Benefits of Kapalbhati Pranayama

Precautions while practising Kapalbhati

All of the above are the best yoga tips for a flat stomach. Now if you want to work on abdominal fat as soon as possible, then you will have to do these exercises continuously for a long time. With their help, not only will you get rid of belly fat, but you will also always feel mentally refreshed. Just do it daily and take advantage of a healthy life. If you would like to learn more about yoga and meditation you can join a yoga school in Rishikesh and incorporate yoga in your daily life.


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