Is Beard Transplanting a Good Choice for Beard Hair Loss?

Beard transplant to men who want thick and healthy beards or facial hair. During the beard transplant process, your doctor will remove some from your body, and he will transplant them to the affected areas of your beard. The doctor will always use the from the back of your head for a beard transplant. During the process, your doctor has to be careful so that he may do the transplantation naturally.
A Beard transplant will help to add a character and improve your face. For many men, patchy beards or sideburns may lead to low self-confidence and embarrassment. A facial hair transplant will help to restore your facial hair and make you look perfect. Here are some of the important information to know before you undergo a beard hair transplant.
The Beard Transplant Process
Most doctors perform facial hair transplants using the FUE technique. This process is less invasive and is also one of the most popular ones. During the FUE hair transplant, your doctor will collect the hair from the back of your head and then transplant them to your beard area.
After the process, you will not experience any scars. The FUE hair transplant is perfect because you will recover quickly. During the beard transplant procedure, your doctor will make some tiny incisions in the beard area.
The incisions will determine the direction and shape of your beard area. The surgeon will put the transplanted hair follicles into the incisions. The doctor will inject the local anesthesia into your scalp to prevent any discomfort. The pain is always minimal, and the recovery period is quick. You will go back to your normal activities.
The Source of the Transplanted Hair
The hair that is used for transplantation comes from your head. Mostly, they come from the back of your scalp. In this donor area, your hair is always thick and resembles the beard. These hairs help the surgeon to use the perfect source for the transplant. It also helps avoid issues with the color of your beard, its consistency, or how it feels.
The Time That the Beard Transplant Takes
The whole beard transplant process takes about eight hours. You will then take several weeks to recover fully. Before you undergo the process, make sure to understand how long the process takes. After the surgery, your facial hair will grow thick and full. Also, after recovery, you will shape and style them as you desire.
What Happens After the Surgery?
A few weeks after the surgery, you will notice your hair falling. When this happens, make sure not to freak, it is good news because they are making room for the new hair. After three months, your facial hair will grow well, and the hair follicles will have settled in place. After about four months, your beard will start to grow thick and full. In one year, you will be able to style and shave your facial hair as you wish.
Risks and Side Effects
Before you undergo the facial hair transplant, make sure to know if there are any side effects. During the surgery, you may experience some bleeding or infections. These risks are rare, though. Sometimes, your hair follicles may get infected and inflamed. If the doctor used the FUT technique, you would experience some scarring. The FUT method involves the cutting of a piece of your skin.
The doctor will then use that piece of skin to collect the hair follicles. It is always advisable to go for the FUE technique because it is less invasive. You will also not have some scarring if you go for the FUE method. Also, make sure to have realistic goals because results may vary so as not to get disappointed.
Good Candidate for Beard Transplant
If you have healthy hair on your scalp, beard transplant surgery will be best for you. It is possible to achieve your facial hair goals. Most men who have alopecia areata are interested in beard transplants. They are always limited to this process because their donor’s hairs are weak. It might also be costly to them because they will have to pay using cash.
Beard Transplant Cost
Beard transplants are not always cheap. They might cost up to $15000 depending on the facial hair loss extent. You may pay from $3000 to $7000 if you have beard areas where you do not grow. This will also depend on the amount of hair that requires a transplant.
Beard transplant cost varies depending on several factors. So, make sure to communicate with your surgeon about the cost during the consultation. Before the surgery, your doctor will have to check your head and face to see whether or not you are a good candidate for a Beard transplant. These procedures are cosmetic, and therefore, you will have to pay from your pocket.
A Beard transplant is the best and permanent process of restoring your beard. Facial hairs are always important to men because they represent several things. Since it is an essential process, make sure to go for the best doctors. Also, make sure to have enough money to pay for the procedure.