Know the Answer to a Few Common Questions Regarding HTP Products

The new product that is available these days in the market called HTP (Heated Tobacco Product) is a certain electronic device that, unlike the earlier e-cigarettes, will contain tobacco leaves that will be heated to a high temperature.
It is important to understand this difference because these devices contain tobacco, and they come with almost all the tobacco concerns of long-term health. As the tobacco industries, these days are investing heavily in various research, development as well as the marketing of all these new products, and therefore understanding what is available in them is very important.
So, how do these products work? Whether are they safe? We will try to answer all these in this post. This Switzerland-developed product is available on the website
Why people are attracted to HTPs?
These days many smokers mostly among young adults are preferring to switch to using these HTPs due to the following few reasons:
- Cigarettes produce tar, while HTP does notÂ
After smoking a cigarette, the residue is the âTarâ from smoke whereas HTP does not produce any tar as it will heat tobacco rather than burn it.
- HTP does not burn tobacco
HTP heats tobacco rather than burning them hence it will be better than smoking cigarettes.
- HTP emits less amount of harmful chemicals as compared to cigarettes
With cigarettes, you burn tobacco and produce carbon monoxide in high amounts, which is not with HTPs. It produces 98% lesser carbon monoxide (on average) and can significantly lower the levels of any other harmful chemicals as compared to conventional cigarettes.
- Produces less smell
HTP can be a better choice as it produces less smell as compared to cigarettes.Â
Whether heated tobacco safe?
So far whatever research has been done, it is concluded that HTP is a better alternative than traditional cigarette smoking. Studies also suggest that all the vapors obtained from the devices will contain harmful chemicals of lower levels as compared to any cigarette smoke. However, all those chemicals can still be present at much higher levels than any e-cigarette.
Are e-cigarettes and HTP the same?
Not at all, as HTP will rather heat the tobacco and not burn, and also the products contain leaf of tobacco, whereas e-cigarettes do not. Also, e-cigarettes always do not contain nicotine.
Plenty of evidence suggests that any e-cigarettes can be far less harmful as compared to smoking, and can also help people to quit smoking tobacco. The same evidence is not found for HTPs.
Can HTP help quit smoking?
If you are looking for quitting smoking then there are many other programs available. HTP will surely not let you quit smoking. Â
How popular is HTP?
In the year 2017, an estimated 1.7% of the adults in the UK had tried to use HTP products. As compared to that almost 19% of adults had tried e-cigarettes. In Japan, the use of this is relatively higher. That can be because in Japan nicotine-containing e-cigarettes are not allowed. However, the tobacco industry will make every attempt to popularise this product soon.