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Planters, Flowerpots And Pots Made Of Concrete Paver Molds: DIY Workshop

Concrete Paver Molds

Concrete Paver Molds

Concrete is a durable building material that has been noticed by creative gardeners for a long time. In practice, many methods are known for making flowerpots, pots and pots from concrete. The main thing is to learn a few basic rules and use your concrete paver molds imagination!

Not sure where to put yoghurt packs or beverage boxes? They perfectly turn into molds with which you can make a concrete pot. Don’t be afraid to get started: Casting concrete is easier than baking a pie. Especially if you are working with ready-mixed concrete.

What do you need to remember before starting work?

There are several important points to keep in mind when creating beautiful concrete pots and planters. 1. For the manufacture of the mold, you can use ordinary cement mortar.
2.For correct mixing, the following proportions must be observed: 1: 2: 4: 0.5, where the share relies on cement, 2 shares – sand, 4 shares – aggregate, 0.5 – water. If you plan to make a large pot, to increase the strength, it is recommended to use a special frame made of reinforcement 3. To make the container smooth and regular in shape, the front surface must be sanded using a special machine. At the first stage, we use an emery wheel, then a felt wheel and a special paste.

Advice! It is not recommended to leave a concrete surface, as even a drop of any liquid can leave an irreparable mark. Therefore, after complete drying of the concrete, a polymer layer must be applied over the structure.

How to make a form?

To create the most extraordinary shape, absolutely any concrete paver molds material is useful. The main thing is that it must firmly tolerate moisture and maintain its original appearance for five hours. Further, the structure acquires a stable state.

On a note! Most often, thick cardboard is used, strengthening the created template with adhesive tape. This solution is only appropriate for small pots. Plastic products will work as well. Bottles, buckets or cups can be used. Those with tools can make their own mold from plywood boards.

A few ideas for pots and pots made of concrete with your own hands Stylish version of a vase made of concrete and wood trim

  1. We take a juice box (we choose the volume ourselves, depending on preferences) and cut off the upper part. We prepare cement, observing the proportions indicated above.
  2. We actively mix all the ingredients for a minute. You can add a little more water to make the mixture less bubbling.
  3. Next, fill in the fourth part into the box.
  4. We lower the cut off part into a box with concrete and press it 2-3 cm.
  5. We fasten the cut off part with tape and leave it for a couple of hours until the concrete begins to take shape. As soon as the concrete is finished, remove the box and move on to the surface treatment of the corners. To align, we use a grinder.

Concrete Cured Towel Shape

We prepare the cement mixture and make sure that it does not turn out to be too liquid. Better to achieve the consistency of ordinary sour cream. Cover the concrete paver molds bucket on top with a towel and turn it over so that the concrete saturates the inside. Using unnecessary material in creating a flower pot

Advice! If the towel turns out to be too long, then adjust its length before the cement mixture is on it.

Next, you can lower the towel completely into the bucket and smear every centimeter with cement. Once the task is completed, put the towel back on the bucket and leave to dry until the cement is completely dry. As a rule, the average curing time is from one day to two.

Large concrete pots using old buckets

Prepare a medium consistency concrete mixture. To do this, remember the proportions that were indicated above. However, depending on the size of the future pot, in order to get more mass, you can increase the amount of all ingredients without disturbing the proportion. We fill the bucket and inside we begin to distribute the mass in such a way that a separately molded pot is obtained in the bucket.

Then the bucket will act as a kind of form, which can be got rid of after a day of solidification. To achieve a perfectly even consistency, the cement must be ideally mixed, and for those who want a curly accessory for plants, you can add more pebbles, which will create a unique texture. Advice! As a rule, after the cement mixture has set, it is easy to pull it out of the bucket.

The principle resembles the manufacture of Easter cakes. So, in just a few simple steps, you can independently create unique masterpieces for your garden. 13 Important! Before you start creating, it is important to protect your hands from concrete getting on your skin, which is difficult to get rid of.

Therefore, it is recommended to work exclusively with gloves. It is worth noting that concrete creations for home or garden have become very popular among concrete paver molds hand-made lovers, so you can find many video instructions on the Internet where experimenters from different countries share their experience and show how they achieved such an amazing result.

Nowadays, geometric concrete planters have become trendy home or garden decorations. Most often they are cast from concrete, but gypsum or resins are also used.

Flower pots made of concrete, a trendy decorative material, are perfect for modern interiors, especially in a romantic, industrial and minimalist style. Also, they can be used in the garden and on terraces. Even the smallest of them, due to their weight, are very stable. They will not be turned over by an accidental gust of wind or a mischievous pet. Concrete planters are durable and you can give them any shape. Against the gray background, the green color of the plants looks especially fresh and bright. Such pots are easy to make on your own, which we will demonstrate.

Do you like neat, original miniature plants for your compositions? If so, this is ideal. Geometric pots are often used in compositions for small plants – for example, succulents, despite their outward simplicity, it looks just incredible, the “rough naturalistic” texture of concrete emphasizes the fragile beauty and greenness of plants.

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