Reasons printed materials are still important and why you should never take them lightly!

Marketing is a complex web of different platforms and strategies that allows a particular or service to make itself known to the customers. There are many channels through which you can market a product while the digital medium is certainly gaining momentum, the medium of print seems to go out of favor. The motive behind this article is to re-affirm the importance of printed materials and why a dedicated printing shop is still very much needed to get the optimal final output.
The world has changed drastically over the last couple of decades. As we look back, two major events have contributed a lot to the current outlook of this world. The first being the industrial revolution and the rise in consumerism that it brought with it. People were earning more and consequently were able to spend more with very few options at their disposal. To fill the void many entities braced themselves to enter the market and fill those gaps, the process led to an influx of products and services in the market. Businesses now had to do more in order to gain a market share.
Marketing became the new norm and advertising a must. Mediums such as TV, newspapers, pamphlets, brochures, and billboards gave the perfect opportunity to organizations to post their advertisements. A dedicated printing shop became the need of time for these organizations to get the best quality material and maximum impact from their final design.
The second major event was the invention of computers and the discovery of the internet, with it came to a digital revolution. Today, these electronic devices are a major part of our daily lives. From sending an important E-mail to ordering your weekly grocery everything can be done from your phone and within seconds. The rise of social media is another huge aspect of this digital boom.
Businesses now have a new platform to advertise their products and even sell them. All a customer now has to do is open a website or a social media page, order anything and wait for his purchase delivered home without any hassle.
The rise in the digital medium has led many organizations to doubt the medium of print and whether it still has the power to get the word out effectively. Organizations now think their time, money, and effort will be wasted on a medium that is going out of fashion and why pay extra money to a printing shop just for a piece of paper.
The following are the reasons why you should never neglect your printed materials and what benefits can they still provide:
Makes you look credible:
Having brochures, pamphlets, and other printed materials makes you look serious and well informed about your own ins and outs. The key here is to make sure that all of the material follows a similar design pattern so that it feels like a genuine part of that said organization. These printed materials furthermore make you look authentic making you look legitimate and more trustworthy in the eyes of the customers.
Raises brand awareness:
Making yourself seen the most is one of the foremost rules behind any branding strategy. As you get your printed material designed according to your brand’s aesthetic an avenue would be added for the customers through which they can encounter your brand. These repetitive encounters will enhance the memorability of your brand and also bring credibility along with it. A dedicated printing shop with its experience and detailed designing skills will be a perfect place to get your printed materials designed.
Makes you get noticed:
One of the trickiest things out there is to get yourself noticed in a crowded place. While an emphasis on digital media is also important, printed material can provide that edge that you are looking for to stand out. These brochures or leaflets as they are physically handed out, are bound to at least receive a glance from the person they are handed to. If the cover is engaging enough, being noticed will not be a problem at all.
A perfect space to tell a story:
We all know that grabbing someone’s attention can be difficult at times because each individual has a different set of likes and dislikes. On the digital medium, we come across useless information all the time and after the reading ends it does not add that much to our knowledge.
Brochures and leaflets on the other hand provide you with that perfect space and an opportunity to convey meaningful information. It satisfies the user intent as well because anyone who picks these printed materials up is only doing it in order to retrieve information.
Lasts longer:
Well, this is pretty self-explanatory actually. Printed materials have a long-lasting life. While on the digital platforms as you scroll, you come across tons of information that can be easily forgettable. On the other hand, these brochures and leaflets just stay there, and from time to time there may be instances where you come across them. This enhances the memorability factor of your effort.
Effective targeting:
While there are ways through which you can market your content to your target market. Nothing fulfills this purpose in a better way than the medium of print. Ads placed in the newspapers and magazines can help you reach your target market effectively. There are a few people who would like to have complete information before they do anything, the reading niche is satisfied through this medium. You can also covey detailed information and analysis with data and graphs to further help them in their decision-making.
Remember, printed materials serve a much larger purpose than just conveying information. These are a part of you which means that they only exist to represent you. Hiring a dedicated printing shop is not a waste of money anymore, they are here only to optimize your designs and the final output.