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Should I tell the Fact in the IELTS Speaking Exam?

IELTS Speaking Test

Telling the truth in the IELTS oral exam is a difficult concept for most test takers. Ok, now tell me, should I tell the fact in the IELTS speaking test? Basically because they are afraid that if they lie, they will lose the signs! Of course, this may be true if IELTS is a lie detection test, but it is not!

Speak the Truth in IELTS Speaking Test

So, lying doesn’t cost you a grade, but to fully understand the concept, you need to know how IELTS speech is recorded in the first place.

This article will examine whether you should speak the truth in IELTS by considering the assessment criteria. Then you can make your decision and do it in such a way as to achieve the desired score.

Evaluation Criteria for IELTS Speaking

Speaking IELTS is an interview with an approved exam, which is divided into three parts. In the first part you are often asked about information on life, hobbies, education and work, which lasts 4-5 minutes. The second part is about the topic given on the card with three instructions. You have 2 minutes to talk about it until the third part where the examiner in a 4-5 minute interview asks more questions on the same topic.

There is no “right” or “wrong” answer in IELTS speech. Only your English speaking skills will be evaluated! The examiner will look for specific qualities in your answers to demonstrate your speaking skills in order to IELTS, which can be summarized in the following four criteria:

Flexibility and Coordination

This applies to the flow of your speech and its relevance to the topic. It’s the speed with which you speak and how your sentences relate without unnecessary pauses to think or find words. Your talk should also be structured according to the order of the ideas and reasons you relate to the topic.

You should use connecting words and discourse symbols to make the details smooth and continuous. The goal is to speak naturally so that the examiner can easily understand without additional effort. They need to see what you have to say, so be careful not to give short answers. Instead, try to develop and present helpful information. You also have to be spontaneous to make your speech interesting.

Now, if you are asked about a topic on which you have no personal experience, for example, visiting a museum, you do not have a memory to describe, so your answer will be short, which does not give proof of your speaking skills. But if you don’t decide to speak the truth in IELTS, you’ll need to think more than usual to get ideas, such as recalling a museum you’ve seen on TV. This can interrupt your speech and damage your speech. It can also change the tone of your voice significantly.

So, if you have excellent memory, imagination and storytelling skills, then you can find a white lie and make your answer more interesting and detailed. This will definitely help your brand! The point is that prolonging the truth will help convey your idea in the long run, but the reduction of ideas will disrupt the thought process and the flow of your speech.

Lexical Source

Your speech is made up of words, and the more diverse they are, the more skill you reveal. They should also be formal or semi-formal for IELTS purposes, while you use idiomatic language for natural.

If you arbitrarily decide not to tell the truth while speaking IELTS, you may end up in an unfamiliar territory that requires words that are completely unfamiliar to you. Your vocabulary range may be limited in this area, so you’ll be repeating a few words or even worse, using the wrong words! In this case, you lose grades, not for lying, but for not having a dictionary scope! So tell a white lie only if you can convey it with the right words and phrases; otherwise, stick to the truth you absolutely know!

Grammatical and Precise Range

Times and structures illuminate your intentions and ideas, so you should use them generously and correctly. The more advanced structures you use, the more skill you will discover, which will result in a higher score.

Suppose you are not telling the truth in an IELTS speech. In this case, you need to be careful to arrange the sequence of events correctly so that the times and the main event do not contradict each other, especially if the topic is about a historical fact. This requires more effort to avoid mistakes that can interfere with the tone and flow of your speech!


No matter how interesting your answer is or the wider range of your vocabulary and grammar, if you can’t pronounce them clearly, you haven’t conveyed your idea. You don’t have to sound motherly, but you have to sound clear and understandable. It depends on the intonation of your speech.

If you don’t tell the truth in an IELTS speech, you can lose your speech balance and impair your pronunciation, resulting in lower group scores. But if you can keep your composure and not return to your way of speaking in your first language, then you can extend the truth so that your answer will be interesting!

Speaking Skills for IELTS Test

The truth is that an organization like a university, an employer abroad or a foreign country has asked you to take an IELTS test and prove your ability to communicate in English, not to prove that you are a good and honest person!

Speaking Skills is Important for IELTS Test

On the other hand, the examiner should evaluate your speaking skills according to four clearly defined criteria, so you should give them enough of your speech. If the truth is not enough speech, the examiner will not see your actual speaking skills. But if a broader version of the truth tells an exciting story, the examiner has enough material to record it.

Ultimately, it’s your choice and just taking the IELTS test will help you make that choice. Fake test that has a clear section of conversation with an approved exam!


Here is the brief information on IELTS speaking test explained by the best IELTS coaching in Agra. This information is based on true experience. Agra is very famous for its monuments and tourist attractions. Buy Do you know agar is also a hub of best IELTS coaching in Agra. And most preferred IELTS coaching for preparation is IELTS in Agra.

You can also take help from 5 Best Ways to Prepare for IELTS

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