SEO expert: why do it?

SEO is one of the essential elements in a digital strategy intended to make a website known. It is based on the application of many rules, very often dynamic, which makes it a very complex activity. Hiring an SEO expert saves time, efficiency and money.
The SEO expert: what is his mission?
The SEO expert takes care of implementing various techniques to better position the websites of his clients in search engines, in particular Google. Through a multitude of actions, the SEO expert will define the technical structure of the site, define the natural referencing strategy of the site, carry out internal and external netlinking. The latter consists of establishing links with other websites in order to offer high visibility to the sites of the customers on the SERPs.
The professional also performs online optimization as well as offline optimization. It is on its own, a real Swiss army knife which is also responsible for defining the strong and relevant keywords to be taken into account in the writing of the site’s content. The work of the Freelance SEO consultant in Dubai extends to the acquisition of quality traffic, the proposal of strategic marketing actions in line with the achievement of digital objectives as well as the audit of the website.
In general, this is a person who has accumulated many years of experience. Its achievements come from both its successes and its mistakes. Indeed, in the field of SEO, even if there are training courses that allow you to have a diploma, experience is a real weapon of war.
Why entrust your site to an SEO expert?
The main advantages of entrusting your site to an SEO consultant are time savings and short-term performance. Taking care of your own website can seem interesting until the real challenges arise. Indeed, it is not always easy to write the articles, to develop the community, to attract traffic, to raise the site in the search results, to take care of the netlinking, not to mention the other factors related to the activity itself. The consultant is generally multi-hatted, it is his job to take care of all this together and to do it well. Behind a successful website, there is a whole well-structured strategy implemented by professionals.
In addition, the SEO expert is well placed to analyze your website and suggest the appropriate actions. As in every field, there are work tools to know and master. However, learning all this takes time and is not without cost. Although on Google, the algorithm continues to evolve and you have to continually adapt.
The SEO system is becoming more and more complex and without certain skills, it is almost impossible to get out of it effectively without the help of the expert. At the slightest change in the search engine algorithm, the SEO professional makes every effort to update your website based on the new standards. This, thanks to the fact that it ensures the permanent monitoring of updates. The apprehension of the different techniques requires solid knowledge in SEO and the mastery of certain tools, which only an expert can effectively handle.
Hiring an expert can be done in different ways. It can be internal to the company or work externally. In this case, you contact an independent consultant, a specialized digital agency or a freelancer who knows about it. Once the contact has been established, this professional will be able to carry out a complete audit of the site from the start in order to detect the weaknesses and the best opportunities to exploit.
The importance of a good SEO
If you have a website, an SEO strategy is essential. Without it, it is almost impossible to occupy the top positions in the search results. However, without your site being visible, there will be no visitors, no customers and therefore no turnover.
A good SEO strategy also allows you to have a competitive advantage over competitors. Indeed, the best strategy wins. This involves writing content in line with search engine criteria, choosing keywords, netlinking, and sometimes even advertising campaigns. All this can only be done effectively by an SEO company in Cairo. The SEO expert is your major ally in the short, medium and long term to succeed in this strategy.
In addition, it is advisable that in parallel with SEO, to use other levers for even more impact. Indeed, the results of SEO are only felt several months later (5-6 months). Thus, you can opt for paid referencing campaigns or other techniques that the expert could offer you.
Choose and evaluate the SEO consultant!
The choice of your provider is of great importance. There are many criteria to consider, because on them depends the success of your website. To do this, you must first make sure of their expertise and credibility. He is above all a good copywriter, he masters web referencing and all related techniques. He must be able to easily handle tools such as Google Analytics, Adwords, SemRush, Majestic, etc. The most common CMS should have no secrets for this person. The SEO expert is comfortable with digital tools and everything that revolves around web marketing. He should also be able to train your team on the basics of SEO and if possible, offer complete training.
Where possible, ask for evidence of success. You can also look at customer reviews or visit its website. Pay great attention to the quality of the content, the design or the portfolio. Moreover, the professionalism of an SEO professional does not only depend on the use of technical jargon. Don’t let yourself be bluffed, the results are more telling. To do this, take an interest in its work and its activity reports. Go for someone who isn’t shy about being upfront and giving objective feedback about your website. The best expert is not the one who imposes his action plan on you. He defines the objectives and defines the actions and the schedule with you.
What does the SEO expert do?
As said a little above, positioning a website on a search engine is a long-term job that requires several weeks/months of effort. The first action the expert usually takes is to analyze your website. This often leads to the optimization of its technical structure or architecture. This is what allows us to start again on a more correct basis.
Then, we proceed to the writing of optimized articles and then to their publication on the site. During the first weeks, the site is fed with articles with strong and relevant keywords in order to lay the foundations for an effective natural referencing strategy. It is only after that that he sets up the internal and external linking of the site. The links allow online optimization and offline optimization of the site. They allow the search engine to give credit to the content of your website. This increases its notoriety. Subsequently, the professional deploys his secret weapons to better position your site.
Clear objectives and a relationship of trust
SEO is a long-term process, the proposals that will be made to you will therefore be the subject of long-term collaboration.
Define your goals and needs
The first step is to define precisely what you expect from it. Be prepared to formulate it precisely before initiating your research. Concretely, what type of support are you looking for? Far or near you? You have good SEO notions and you master the lexical field, you will be able to decipher the speech of your interlocutors. You are a neophyte, your future interlocutors must be able to simply explain their method to you, to justify their choices. Is your website in creation, recent, old, in the process of being redesigned? The answers to these questions will allow you to refine your research.
A personalized offer, the trust factor
The results of a natural referencing strategy are visible on average after 3 or 4 months. Once initiated, this strategy must be fed constantly. Trust and partnership are essential concepts that must therefore be understood first. Your field of activity, the structure of your company, its size make you a unique client. Choosing the SEO agency that suits you is fundamental. In order to achieve this, tools are at your disposal.
Indicators of the reliability of an SEO agency like Arabic SEO services ranking
In order to make your first selection, test the positioning on the keywords of SEO agencies. A good ranking is obviously a first guarantee of quality on the competence of an SEO agency in its field.
Site Authority
It is possible to measure the level of trust granted by Google to a website. Called site authority or domain authority, it is an indicator put in place by Moz. It takes the form of a score established on a scale of 1 to 100. This score is based on forty parameters. The most important criterion is the quality of external links to the site whose score you want to measure. Here is an indicator that will allow you to measure the reliability of the SEO agencies that you choose to consult.