The Role of IoT in Healthcare

The world of healthcare has changed dramatically in the last few decades. From new drugs and technology like tablets to cutting-edge research, it’s never been more important to stay connected. Technology has also opened up a whole new realm of possibilities with the internet of things (IoT).
The IoT can bring about many benefits to healthcare facilities, including increased patient safety, reduction in labour costs, better utilization of staff time, increased diagnostic accuracy, and more. This article explores how IoT can help healthcare facilities become more efficient and improve patient care.
An Introduction to IoT
The Internet of Things (IoT) is bringing together physical devices, vehicles, buildings, and other items—embedded with electronics, software, sensors, and actuators. Network connectivity enables these objects to collect and exchange data. Collectively connected things will deliver intelligent insights and services to people.
Benefits Of Using the Internet Of Things In Healthcare
Reduce Operational Costs
Devices capable of collecting data, sending it to cloud-based applications, and acting upon that data by automatically performing processes or triggering other equipment are some of the many advantages of adopting an Internet of Things (IoT) solution. One example is a smart utility meter that transmits usage data every few seconds rather than once daily; as opposed to manual readings. and which take hours and introduce significant human error, IoT solutions can save money by detecting abnormalities immediately, allowing immediate correction or optimization.
Enhance Operational Efficiencies
The Internet of Things, or IoT, is a term used to describe devices (wireless or wired). it refers to communicating with one another and sharing data. The technological potential can use to transform how health care organizations manage their operations and respond to patients’ needs.
For example, wearable devices are increasingly being used by athletes. It enhances performance; such tools have already proven useful for those managing a chronic condition like diabetes.
Remote Monitoring
With remote monitoring, healthcare professionals can keep tabs on their patients from their homes. Remote monitoring services allow doctors and nurses to monitor your health and well-being from a distance without having to physically come into contact with you. Remote monitoring also enables real-time health tracking for large populations of people at once.
The Internet of Things solutions features allows for remote patient monitoring using wearables, automated machines, and cellular networks.
Improve Patient Care
With wearable devices, such as Fitbit and Apple Watch, users are now able to track and monitor their activity levels. These devices measure steps taken, floors climbed, heart rate, calories burned, and sleep quality.
Moreover, capturing information directly from people using them can gather data from other sensors around us—such as temperature sensors in buildings or fitness tracking apps on smartphones.
Exclude Risks
The risks in healthcare today can be boiled down to a few key components: human error, patient engagement, and privacy. IoT devices can help limit all three of these risk factors by providing real-time data about patient behaviours and medical needs. Empowering patients to make better choices about their care, and potentially creating new revenue streams for healthcare providers.
With proper security measures in place, (especially with smart home devices like Amazon Alexa or Google Home), organizations can even take advantage of new revenue opportunities from data monetization.
Challenges Of IoT In Healthcare
Lack of encryption
If devices aren’t using encrypted connections, your data and security are both at risk. You don’t want strangers to access or manipulate your data, whether it’s personal health information or other sensitive information. Encryption ensures that only intended recipients can view the transmitted data, keeping both your device and its intended destination secure.
Inadequate testing and updating
If Internet-connected medical devices like heart monitors and insulin pumps will turn a trend for patients and doctors. In future, they’re going to need software.
Unfortunately, most devices aren’t updated regularly. Why? Because it takes time, money, and—most importantly—allies within these companies to convince stakeholders that pushing updates is important. This has led to a flurry of issues with vulnerabilities that manufacturers have failed to fix after discovering them.
Battery life is a limitation
Many devices that are part of an Internet of Things (IoT) network require batteries to operate. But if these batteries die, then so do your sensors. It’s possible to have a device that can be unplugged from mains power and still provide long-term battery backup—but you’ll need one or more supercapacitors. These can store large amounts of energy quickly and release it just as fast, unlike traditional batteries.
Security of the system
The most important aspect while setting up a healthcare system is to ensure that it’s secure and confidential. To do so, you should avoid storing patient information on an external server where third parties can access sensitive data.
The best option would be to set up your private cloud with an adequate security protocol. It helps to protect your data. This way, you will always have control over how your data is accessed and used by different individuals or organizations.
Future Trends of IoT In Healthcare
One aspect of connected healthcare that can be integrated is telehealth, or remote healthcare services via video-enabled devices. Some patients with chronic conditions prefer to consult with a specialist face-to-face over the internet and then make a lengthy visit to their primary physician’s office.
In addition, telehealth allows patients to consult specialists about more minor issues without committing to an unnecessary trip to a doctor’s office and potentially encountering additional costs for such visits.
Cloud Computing
The use of cloud computing is becoming increasingly important as technology continues to advance. It has become a common component within businesses due to its ability to handle high-end data storage and manage vast amounts of digital information across various devices.
Although not all aspects of healthcare require cloud computing, there are key components that can greatly benefit from its enhanced capabilities. As such, healthcare providers have begun to adopt cloud-based services so they can improve access and promote collaboration within their organization and with outside entities like patients, families, and caregivers.
Internet-of-Things (IoT) is a technology that allows physical objects to interact with one another via an internet connection. It’s most commonly thought of as an ecosystem where physical devices, vehicles, buildings, and other items are capable of communication through cloud computing platforms.
IoT enables data collection on a global scale that can then be used for predictive analytics and various other applications that can help people improve their lives and make healthcare systems more efficient.