Thinking About PRP Hair Transplant? Everything You Need to Know

PRP hair treatment involves three processes whereby the doctor draws blood from you, processed and then injected it into the affected area of your scalp. Most doctors believe that this process triggers natural hair growth and maintains it by increasing the blood supply to the hair follicles. It also increases the thickness of the hair. You can as well combine the PRP hair treatment with other medications or processes. With the PRP hair treatment, You can regrow your hair easily and get a unique look of your face.
PRP Hair Treatment Procedure
The PRP hair treatment involves three processes. The first process is whereby the doctor collects blood from your arm, and then he would put it into a centrifuge. A centrifuge is a machine used to separate the blood by rotating it fast.
After drawing the blood and putting them in a centrifuge, the doctor will separate them into three layers. Their layers are;
· The platelet-poor plasma
· Platelet-rich plasma
· And the red blood cells
The third step is whereby the doctor takes the platelet-rich plasma and injects it into the affected areas of your head to stop menopause hair loss. There has not been enough study on how effective this procedure is, but research is still going on.
PRP for Treating Hair Loss
The hair follicle’s structure and its characteristics are complicated. Its growth is managed through various stages. Growth factors like PDGF, TGF, FGF, VEGF and etc., play a vital role in the life cycle of the follicle by commanding the active phase and inducing Catagen and Telogen phase.
Benefits of PRP Hair Treatment
It Uses Your Own Blood
The PRP hair treatment is the best because it uses your blood. The doctor usually separates the platelet-rich plasma from the rest, and then he combines it with an activating component. The doctor then uses the centrifuge and then blends the blood cells to generate enough richness to stimulate and regrow hair. The treatment tends to be effective because the blood comes from your body. It is also much safer and has fewer complications.
High Success Rates
PRP for hair loss treatment is one of the best therapies. The therapy can halt or reverse hair loss. You will start seeing the outcome in three to six months after the therapy. After the process, the hair loss becomes less drastic, and it permanently regrows naturally.
It is a Natural Hair Restoration Treatment
Hair treatment procedures tend to be more expensive. And pills or topical solutions do not work that well. PRP hair treatment is the most affordable compared to hair transplants and other treatments. You can also combine PRP treatment with hair transplants to increase the success rate.
The Results are Permanent
Most people want lasting results. Other hair treatments are not long-lasting, but the PRP hair treatment gives you a permanent outcome. People who undergo PRP treatment experience results that last for many years.
Short Recovery Time
PRP hair treatment has a short recovery time. After the therapy, you may get some redness on your face, which will disappear after some time. The redness will not affect your daily activities. Most patients go back to work the next day. To avoid long recovery, make sure to go for the best doctors. Also, make sure to follow all the aftercare instructions given to you by the doctor. If you do this, you will have a quick recovery and fewer complications.
No Required Downtime
One of the best features of PRP hair therapy is that side effects such as mild bruising at the injection site are not long-lasting. There is also no downtime needed, so you can get back to living your life easily. In most hair treatments, patients are able to endure the results of their hair procedure within a few weeks.
Natural Healing
With these facts, PRP therapy excites the body’s natural healing process. You can rest guaranteed that your results will look natural yet effective. With a PRP hair transplant, you’ll look like a younger, more unique version of yourself.
The PRP Treatment Cost
The PRP hair treatment cost ranges from $1500 to $3500 for the three first sessions. After the three sessions, each session will then cost about $400. The cost is always determined by where you live or the quality of the machine used. The cost may also vary depending on the clinic’s reputation, how experienced the doctor is, and the instruments at the clinic.
If you want to undergo the PRP treatment, make sure to do more research on it. This will help to compare different costs. Also, go for the best clinic for better results and reduced side effects.
Who is Fit for PRP Hair Loss Treatment?
If you are a man or a woman going through hair loss, this treatment fits you. The procedure will work best if you recently started to lose hair. A recent study has shown that those experiencing male pattern baldness can undergo the treatment because it shows promising results.
Male pattern baldness is affected by hormones. But more research is needed to prove if this treatment can treat male pattern baldness. If you have lost your hair recently, make sure to see your doctor. He or she will tell you whether or not this treatment is perfect for you.
Risks and Complications Associated with PRP Treatment
PRP for hair loss therapy is less invasive. Most people do not experience any side effects. But you may experience the following mild complications, which includes;
· Some mild pain at the injection area
· You may experience some headaches and tenderness on your scalp. These complications are always mild, and in case they are not, make sure to call your doctor immediately.
· There might be some bleeding in the injection area. The bleeding is not severe and will stop after a few hours.
PRP Hair Treatment Aftercare
After the process, your head will feel tender and sore. Primarily, the doctor will advise you to use cold compressions such as ice to massage your scalp. Always make sure to be gentle. Do it for three or four days, and then you will feel well.
The doctor will also instruct you not to avoid strenuous activities for a few days. If you are on any workout routine, make sure to pause for a few days to avoid getting some infections. You should also avoid shampooing your hair for a day. Some shampoos are harsh and may damage your scalp.
After the treatment, most doctors will encourage you not to expose your scalp to the sun for at least ten days. If you want to go out, ensure that you are well covered. A week before and after the therapy, make sure to avoid alcohol or smoking. These drugs affect the blood supply to your scalp, and this will trigger recovery. Always make sure to follow these instructions for a quicker recovery.
If you are going through hair loss, PRP hair treatment is one of the best options. Although there hasn’t been enough proof of how effective this procedure is, most people believe this is one of the safest procedures. It helps to reverse hair loss and stimulate new hair growth. Always talk to your doctor so that he may advise the best hair transplant method.