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Top 9 Reasons To Choose Managed WordPress Hosting

Managed WordPress Hosting

WordPress hosting

Managed WordPress hosting is an IT provisional model in which a service provider leases dedicated servers and associated hardware to a single customer and manages those systems on the behalf of the customers. Behind every successful website is a powerful hosting provider and a WordPress site is no different. If you want your website to have an amazing performance, great security without any issue that gives you a headache then you need to move to a managed WordPress host. If you are certain about getting these things for your website then you might consider seeking help from the best i.e. Vook Host. you must be wondering why this is necessary and the best choice for your website. Well, there are several reasons behind the same. Let us have a look at the reasons. 

Reasons why managed WordPress hosting is the best choice for your website

  1. Support from WordPress experts

    With the help from managed hosting, you will have experts for your website who will not only be aware of the complete understanding of WordPress but also, these experts will be able to figure out the difference between a potential plugin conflict, or a server-level issue. These experts will know what settings the site of WordPress needs to run at optimal performance. Also, they will have great recommendations if you have other questions related to WordPress.
    With the help of managed hosts, you will get the support that they offer to their customers which means you will have options like 24/7 chat support. Having a managed host is like having an outsourced IT department full of experts that you can tap into at any time. 

  2. The best WordPress security practices

    Though with the help of managed WordPress hosting you still might not have a full-proof way of protecting your site you will somehow have the benefits of built-in security enhancements. Most of the hosting providers provide you with nightly backups for your site that you will be able to restore easily. Other than backups, you also get managed hosts to optimize their servers for WordPress security. So that you do not have to worry about the security plugins again after that. You will also have an opportunity to discover features like strong password enforcement, limited login attempts, and two-factor authentication. Thus with this one gets the most options for the purpose of security. So for instance, if your site gets hacked then the experts can help you with cleaning it up for you. 

  3. Faster sites and better performance

    This means that your site will have better uptime, it will load faster, and there will be fewer hiccups than it currently does. It is very common for the other type of hosting providers to talk about caching, but it is rare and uncommon for those caching tools to actually take into account the specific needs of the WordPress sites. With the help of a managed WordPress host, you will see major benefits from the idea that they understand how to properly optimize your servers based on the types and kinds of themes and plugins that you are running. These providers will also offer you performance enhancements like CDN, server locations around the globe, and also instant scaling technology. 

  4. One-click staging sites and local environments

    You must have heard about the notion that never change or edit your production site. The reason behind the same is to avoid the risk of the white screen of death. So it is always suggested to make small or minor changes in a staging environment. You must be wondering about what is a staging area of WordPress? Well, it is a copy of your website in a development environment, making it a safe place to perform the experiment safely before pushing the changes to production. Several WordPress hosts provide you with a staging site or sometimes offer it as an additional add-on. 

  5. Automatic backups of the data

    What will you do if you happen to lose everything all of a sudden? Well, you should be prepared for the worst scenarios and thus this includes having a great backup for your website if you happen to lose your data. With the help of a quality WordPress hosting manager, you will be able to have an automatic backup for no extra or additional price. The shared hosts, the backups are included but with the higher-cost plans. With us, you can get automatic backups for all WordPress sites for free and no additional setup is required. 

  6. Developer friendly

    Another feature or let’s say benefit of WordPress hosting is that it is developer-friendly. You will have access to other developer-friendly features that you might not get with shared hosting. This includes features like SSH access, Git, Sequel Pro, and so on. 

  7. Built with scalability in mind

    Another important aspect is scalability. Looking at shared hosting, the only option available is to upgrade to a higher plan. And this is if you have not been suspended. It can be time-consuming in itself as you will be constantly worried about watching your limits. With the help of managed WordPress hosting the providers of it will be able to handle all of it for you. If you happen to go over their predefined limits, you will be notified and if need be for an upgrade, then it just a click away.

  8. Easy management of the site

    With the help of a managed WordPress host, everything will be nice and organized in a single place. If you are starting to work with new clients or growing your agency then, your providers will save you a lot of time by spinning up new sites. It will also help you to take care of the updates for you. This will usually include PHP updates, WordPress updates, and sometimes even theme and Plugin updates. 

  9. Easy and quick access to the development tools

    Whether you happen to create a brand new site or even if you happen to troubleshoot the one existing then a managed WordPress host can make common developer tools that are easy to access right from the hosting application. Some make use of the cPanel while others have designed it for their own custom dashboard to make the experience even more delightful and accessible.

These are the reasons one should opt for managed WordPress hosting. To gather more information about the managed WordPress hosting you can mail us at

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