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Top Residential Pressure Washing Tips

Pressure washing is an excellent technique to get rid of unwanted dirt on your roof, porch, backyard deck or any other place in the house. The working principle is quite simple and a pressure cleaner uses a nozzle to create a high pressure stream of water to remove the dirt from the designated place.

The water pressure is adjustable and it is very effective against stubborn stains anywhere in the house. The effectiveness of the cleaning process is dependent on the detergent and the washing technique. If you aren’t ready to do it yourself, then read these residential pressure washing tips before you start. 

Types of Pressure Washers

There are different types of pressure washers available. What you will use it for will help determine which one is right for you.

Electric washing machines are easy to use and portable, making them easy to move around the house. The downside to them is that they are not that powerful.

Gas pressure washers are more powerful but more expensive. With proper maintenance, they tend to last longer. Gas pressure washers can be used for bigger and tougher jobs.

Prepare the Cleaning Area

The selected area must be cleared so there will be nothing between you and the dirt. The reason for clearing the area is that the dirt can enter the sleeves of anything that it finds close by. It is also necessary because the water comes out at very high pressure and anything in the vicinity can be damaged quite easily.

For example, people often put furniture on the deck or sometimes it is just the leaves or debris. So, there’s a risk that the pressure washing might not produce the results you expect. That’s why clear the area before you start.  

Select a Good Nozzle for Washing

The nozzle is the key element for pressure washing because it creates pressure with the selection of an appropriate angle. The smaller the angle the higher would be the generated pressure. There are countless versions of nozzles available in the market and you just have to choose the right one based on your needs.

If you just have to enhance the regular shine of the porch, then a higher angle nozzle would be fine but in case you have to deal with the dirt on the roof, then you better choose a nozzle that can create a very high pressure because due to amorphous surface of the roofing material the dirt can enter very deep into the pores.

Test your Pressure

Test the power of your pressure washer. It is best to start spraying within a few meters of any object. Slowly bring your wand 3 to 4 feet away from the surface you want to clean. Wave your wand from side to side a couple of times and check if the surface is clean.

If additional cleaning is needed, gradually move your wand closer to the surface (about 1-2 feet). The reason for gradual cleaning is that pressure washers are extremely powerful and starting too close could damage the item instead of cleaning it.

Planning What to Clean

Be careful when spraying around windows, mail boxes, flowers, vents, eaves, or light fixtures. They can break or be damaged if pointed directly at them.

Also, keep the trigger pointed down so you don’t spray under the liner. This will prevent the coating from collapsing. Also, be careful when cleaning the edges around the windows. Small, unnoticeable holes can leak water into your home. To avoid this, check the window frame for holes, dents and scratches.

Use of Chemicals

The use of chemicals is recommended to wipe off the grease from the surface. If you are expecting high resistance while cleaning, then you can simply use the super film remover for better results. This chemical is mostly used in the auto wash and it is very effective against greasy surfaces.

Just add up the recommended quantity into the detergent sprayer and apply it directly on the surface. In case you are worried about the color of the floor or the roof, then it is recommended to consult an expert before the application.  

The Best Way to Do it

When you are all set for pressure washing it is time to get started by sprinkling water on the designated area. Once it is soaked well you can move on to the next step and apply the detergent or the chemical of your choice. Give it some time to do the magic and after that, you can go hard on it with high pressure.

Move from side to side because this way the dirt will not stay on the surface once it comes out. You might have to go a couple of rounds for extremely greasy surfaces. You may even want to consider using the hot water as well for better results.

Pausing Before Rinsing

Since you used the cleaning solution, you need to give it time to do its job. You should wait 5-10 minutes for the detergent to start dissolving the dirt, but don’t let it sit too long to dry. When you’re ready to rinse, start at the top and work your way down until the entire area is free of detergent.

Hire an Expert

It is always a good idea to do the pressure wash yourself because it is an interesting activity and probably doing it yourself brings you satisfaction. However, working on heights can be dangerous or if you have a very large area to cover, then you must consider hiring an expert.

The experts are faster and skilled and they can wrap up the work a lot faster than you can. So, it is recommended to hire a skilled professional for the job. 

The surfaces that are exposed to the mixture of dirt and water must be pressure washed every once in a while. If you are annoyed by the look of your deck or porch, then you must consider hiring a pressure wash service to restore its former state.

The best way to hire a professional is the reference but you can also use other means of hiring as well. For example, a lot of competitive companies can be easily found on the business directories.

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