Mental health is as important as physical health. Here are some easy and simple tips to take care of your mental health when you are expecting.
Pregnancy can impact different women in different ways. This means, it is perfectly alright if you are not brimming with happiness all the time. You might feel anxious, stressed or worried too, especially because pregnancy usually tends to change your body, mind and life. And if this is your first pregnancy, you might be feeling a whole host of emotions that you haven’t felt before. Since taking care of your mental health is as important as your changing body during pregnancy, here are some tips that might help you.
Pregnancy is the time, when women feel overwhelmed. Do not try to do more than you can manage. After all, this is the time to pamper yourself. Therefore, try to keep some free time to just sit and relax. Take help from others. If your mom wants to come and help you with household chores then do not stop her. If your mother-in-law wants to cook dinner for you, let her help. Let your partner take care of the laundry. A pregnancy-safe manicuring and pedicuring session might do wonders for you. Women who feel overwhelmed with chores and commitments often feel more anxious and depressed during pregnancy.
Some “me-time
Take some time out for yourself and go back to doing something that you’ve enjoyed the most once upon a time. Maybe you could strum the tune of your favourite melody on your guitar or synthesizer. Draw or paint a portrait or a scenary. Plant flowers. Read a book. Join a virtual book club. Solve puzzles. Watch your favourite movie, TV shows (laughter shows) or an interesting web series… Yes, this is the time! Explore your hidden talents! Engage in hobbies and activities which is going make you feel really happy.
Eat Healthily
A healthy mind resides in a healthy body. However, while you’re expecting you might experience moments, when along with changing mood you might not feel like eating anything at all. Take care of your diet during pregnancy. After all, eating nutrient-dense food, fruits and juices, can keep your level of anxiety under check. Cut extra sugar from your diet and and stay hydrated.
Do Not Consume Alcohol
Consuming alcohol is harmful to the pregnant woman and the baby that may cause Foetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS). This syndrome leads to abnormalities such as poor growth of the baby, congenital diseases and impaired development of the brain. If the expectant mother consumes alcohol then it gets absorbed in the bloodstream. It then passes through placenta and enters directly into the baby.
Prohibit Smoking
Before conceiving you must quit smoking as it may cause harmful effects on the unborn baby. It may cause premature, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), cleft lip or palate and low birth weight.
Prevent Infection
Infection can occur from uncooked foods, raw dairy products, etc. Any infection during pregnancy can lead to birth defects in the unborn baby. After birth, the baby might suffer from jaundice, hepatitis, the lesser size of the baby and intellectual disability.
Keep yourself active. Pregnancy is not an illness and you do not need to be in the bed at all times unless your doctor has specifically asked you to take bed rest. The best way to say “good bye” to pregnancy depression by staying active. Go for a walk, run, swim, dance, and cycle —exercise will help in releasing oxytocin and edorphin hormones and that will keep you happy and relaxed, during this juncture of your life. Plus, including Yogasana (Goddess or Tree Pose), breathing exercises and meditation can help you achieve a calm mind.
Join a Antenatal Classes
If you have one in your neghborhood, join them. Talking and sharing your concerns with fellow would-be mothers will help you stay calm and be less worried about your pregnancy and delivery. You can also take your partner with you. These groups are safe spaces to ask any question regarding your pregnancy. Our Antenatal classes are absolutely free it’s simple just call us at 1800 121 6200 (toll free no) or +91 98301 66200, email us at
Talk Therapy
Talk it out. If you feel anxious talk to someone you trust. Choose a person whom you trust. It could be your partner, your gynecologist, your sibling, a friend, parents or a co-worker. You can also try talking to a professional talk therapist if the feelings are too overwhelming for you.
Restrict Social Media Usage
Social media can increase anxiety and depression. The overload of information available on social media can make you anxious. Social media can be helpful and overwhelming at the same time. It is better to restrict your social media usage. Use an app to control your usage. Set a time limit for usage and once you exhaust the time, the app would automatically stop your access to social media.
Take Rest Whenever You Can
Your belly grows with the progression of your pregnancy, thus making you feel uncomformate in bed. There’s no doubt that such a discomfort can leave you sleep-deprived at night and add on to your anxiety levels. Take a short nap in the afternoon if you can, to feel physically fit and of course mentally healthy.
The duration of childbirth usually lasts from 37 to 42 weeks. The entire cycle is divided into three trimesters. The first trimester starts from the moment of conception till the 13th week; the second trimester lasts from the 14th week to the 27th week; and the third trimester lasts from the 28th week until birth.
Each trimester has distinct characteristics and symptoms that clearly explain the stages of baby’s growth. So, you must know the way your baby grows every week, so you can take better care of the new life within you.
Pregnancy is roller-coaster of emotions and as an expecting mother, you would be the best judge for your feelings. But, if you think that you’re finding it difficult manage your emotions, consult your gynaecologist doctor immediately.
Happy Pregnancy!