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What Happens If You Don’t Fix An Underbite?

Having an underbite can be tough on your self-esteem, and it’s often not even something you notice in yourself until someone points it out to you. The good news is that even if you don’t realize you have an underbite, there are options to fix this dental problem, and they begin with getting braces. How do underbite braces work? What happens if you don’t fix your fix underbite? Why should you get them? These questions and more will be answered below.

How Does an Underbite Develop?

An underbite is a dental condition that occurs when either one or both of your lower jawbones are shorter than normal. The short lower jaw may be caused by an abnormality in bone growth, making it difficult for you to develop and maintain healthy teeth, gums and soft tissues. Over time, an underbite can lead to various oral health issues, like gum disease or tooth decay.

Some people with an underbite might also experience difficulty breathing and swallowing food properly. For these reasons, it’s important to get treatment for an underbite as soon as possible. Unfortunately, most people who have an underbite don’t seek out help until their 20s or 30s. By then, their underbite has become severe enough to cause problems.

If you don’t want to wait until then, however, there are several things you can do at home—like exercising your tongue—to prevent an underbite from developing in children and teens. These tips will give them more room to grow into their jaws naturally.

Is it Malocclusion or Abnormal Bite?

Malocclusion, in a nutshell, is just a fancy word for bad bite. Whether you say it or spell it as one word (malocclusion) or two words (malocclusion syndrome), there are many types of malocclusions and every case is different. But what does an abnormal bite look like and how do you know if your child has one?

The signs of a bad bite can range from being barely noticeable to severe enough to cause problems with speech, breathing, eating, chewing and socializing. One easy way to tell if your child may have an abnormal bite is to get him or her in front of a mirror so that he/she can inspect his/her teeth closely. Then, ask yourself these questions: Is my child’s top row of teeth straight across? Does my child’s bottom row line up evenly?

Does my child’s jaw line up evenly with his/her nose? Does my child’s lower jaw jut out beyond his/her upper jaw or vice versa? Do any of my children’s teeth overlap or stick out further than others? Are their any gaps between their upper and lower rows of teeth?

How about between their top and bottom rows of teeth? Is their overbite more pronounced on one side than another side when they close their mouth completely or when they only close partway to chew food easily. All these questions will help you determine whether your children have abnormal bites.

The Types of Treatment for Underbites

When it comes to treatment, a large part of it is knowing when you need help. Although an underbite often does not cause problems during childhood, it can cause serious consequences during adulthood. Untreated underbites are often accompanied by serious dental and facial issues as people age and lose bone density in their face and teeth. At that point, your bite may become so severe that treatment is no longer possible. The best way to ensure a proper bite—and save yourself a lot of future discomfort—is to get braces as soon as you start showing signs of an underbite.

How to Choose a Provider for Treating An Underbite

Choose a provider who has experience with underbite braces, like Dr. Tiesi at Truong Orthodontics. He will make sure to guide you through treatment, which is a long process but one that can fix your bite so you can enjoy eating normally. Treatment for an underbite involves wearing an orthotic device that is designed to correct jaw position and bring your teeth into alignment. Your dentist or orthodontist will help you choose from several different types of devices and determine how long it will take for them to work their magic.

There are many different types of devices available on the market today, and they all have their own set of pros and cons. It’s important to choose a device based on what kind of results you want, how comfortable it is and how easy it is to use. The most common type of device used for treating an underbite is called a Class II division 1 malocclusion appliance—it works by separating your upper jaw from your lower jaw in order to reposition them into proper alignment over time.

While there are some risks associated with using these appliances, they’re usually minimal and should be discussed with your doctor before beginning treatment. Once you’ve selected a device, you will need to wear it every night while sleeping. During initial phases of treatment, you may also need to wear it during waking hours as well until your mouth has adjusted properly. Your dentist or orthodontist will provide instructions on how long each phase should last before moving onto another stage of treatment. Some patients find that wearing an underbite brace isn’t too uncomfortable, while others find it extremely difficult because of discomfort or difficulty speaking clearly while wearing it.

The Outcome After Treatment

For children who continue to grow and develop normally, their underbite will resolve itself. Over time, their upper jaw will recede and widen, aligning with their lower jaw. The result is a less noticeable underbite or none at all! No matter how long your child has had an underbite or how severe it is, our orthodontists in Charlotte can help address your concerns. To find out more about how we can fix an underbite for kids in Huntersville, give us a call today! Our team will be happy to answer any questions you have about our services and schedule a consultation with if appropriate.

Benefits & Risks During Treatment

Braces are designed to correct underbites, but a lot can go wrong during treatment. And even if nothing goes wrong, you could still end up with an overbite or crooked teeth once your braces come off. Before you decide to proceed . To lose weight safely but quickly, try changing your eating habits before opting for dental surgery. This will help reduce your chances of having complications from underbite braces. In fact, it might just be easier than trying to fix them!

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