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What Is Breast Reduction Surgery?

Before and after breast reduction surgery photos are everywhere on the Internet, showing women who underwent this procedure and documenting their progress over time. Breast reduction surgery isn’t always necessary, but for some women it can improve their quality of life significantly, so it’s important to know what it is and whether or not you need it. This article will answer common questions about breast reduction surgeons and let you know if it’s right for you, helping you make the best decision possible about your health and happiness in the long run.

How Is Breast Reduction Performed?

Breast reduction surgery involves reducing breast size by removing fat, glandular tissue, and skin from your breasts. This can reduce pain, improve your ability to breathe deeply, and improve posture by putting less strain on your shoulders. Breast reduction also has cosmetic benefits—most women who have breast reduction surgery choose to undergo it for cosmetic reasons as well as for medical ones. The best way to determine whether breast reduction is right for you is to consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon or other qualified health care provider in your area. Your surgeon will likely perform a physical exam of your breasts and body before recommending breast reduction surgery.

If you are healthy enough to undergo breast reduction surgery, your doctor may recommend that you try noninvasive methods first, such as wearing special bras or using creams that help shrink breasts. If these methods don’t work after six months or so, then breast reduction surgery may be an option for you. Breast reduction is usually performed under general anesthesia (you’ll be asleep) and takes about two hours per breast. You’ll need someone to drive you home after surgery and stay with you overnight. You might experience some bruising and swelling after breast reduction but these symptoms should go away within a few weeks.

How To Prepare For Breast Reduction Surgery?

Before you start looking for a surgeon, it’s important to make sure that you are ready for breast reduction surgery. Breast reduction isn’t something to be taken lightly; it is going to have a significant impact on your body, health and life. If you don’t take time to prepare yourself, then you could end up being unhappy with your results. Preparing yourself will also help ensure that your surgery goes as smoothly as possible. So how do you get prepared for breast reduction surgery? Below we discuss some tips for preparing for breast reduction surgery. For more information on breast reduction surgery, contact us today!

How Long Does Breast Reduction Surgery Take?

Breast reduction surgery usually takes about 1 to 2 hours. The procedure is typically performed on an outpatient basis, which means you can leave afterward, and some people experience bruising that lasts for weeks. There are factors that could prolong your recovery time; for example, breast implants must be inserted by a plastic surgeon because of complications that could arise from silicone leakage into your body. Breast reduction surgery usually takes about 1 to 2 hours. The procedure is typically performed on an outpatient basis, which means you can leave afterward, and some people experience bruising that lasts for weeks. There are factors that could prolong your recovery time; for example, breast implants must be inserted by a plastic surgeon because of complications that could arise from silicone leakage into your body.

Is The Breast Reduction Procedure Painful?

In most cases, breast reduction surgery is not very painful. If you’re feeling a lot of pain, tell your surgeon right away; he or she can give you medication that will help with discomfort. The surgery usually takes between three and five hours. After it’s over, you might have some stitches in your breasts and maybe even under your arms (if an incision was made there). You’ll need to take painkillers for a few days after your operation and keep them on hand for when you have trouble sleeping or discomfort from swelling. You’ll also need to take antibiotics to ward off infection. Most women heal fairly quickly after breast reduction surgery—usually in about three weeks—but some complications can cause longer recovery times. That said, if you follow your doctor’s orders and don’t do anything risky while recovering, chances are good that you’ll be back to normal before long.

Breast reduction surgery results are almost always permanent, but they aren’t always immediate. It can take up to six months for all of your breast tissue to shrink enough so that it no longer interferes with daily life. And sometimes scars remain redder than normal skin for a year or two after breast reduction surgery. That’s why follow-up appointments are important: They allow doctors to monitor how much tissue has been removed and how well patients’ breasts look during healing periods. Breast reduction results are almost always permanent, but they aren’t always immediate.

How Much Does A Breast Reduction Cost?

According to ABC News, a breast reduction procedure can cost anywhere from $4,000 to $8,000, depending on location and your insurance coverage. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) notes that uninsured patients may have to pay up to $10,000 for breast reduction surgery. Regardless of cost, if you’re in need of breast reduction surgery, you should speak with a board-certified plastic surgeon near you who has experience performing breast reductions so you can get an accurate idea of what to expect during your recovery process. After all—you only want the best.

What Do I Wear After Breast Reduction Surgery?

Having breast reduction surgery can be a huge relief for women who are unhappy with their breasts’ size, shape or weight. But many patients don’t know what to wear after breast reduction surgery. After all, it doesn’t matter how great your new breast look if you aren’t comfortable in your own skin. Some doctors recommend wearing an athletic-style top with underwire cups until your incisions heal and there is no chance of developing an infection. It also helps to have a well-fitting bra as well as comfortable. Supportive garments that give you extra lift like waist trainers and bodysuits. When selecting clothes, go for soft fabrics that will not rub or irritate your incisions.

When Can You Wear A Regular Bra After Breast Surgery?

You might think you can strap your regular bra on as soon as you walk out of your doctor’s office. But that’s not always true. The average recovery time after breast reduction surgery is six to eight weeks. But check with your surgeon for his or her specific recommendations. In some cases, if there is an excess amount of skin. That has been removed from either one or both breasts. It may take up to a year for them to shrink down into place comfortably under a standard-sized bra cup.

Breast Reduction Before And After Pictures

Before you schedule a breast reduction consultation, you’ll want to discuss your concerns with your primary care physician or OB-GYN. Your doctor will provide guidance on whether or not surgery is right for you. They may also be able to refer you to a breast reduction surgeons. That they’ve worked with in the past and trust. When it comes time for your consultation. Ask them if there are any other documents or tests that need to be completed beforehand. If so, have everything ready and cross those items off of your checklist! Schedule A Breast Reduction Appointment Breast reduction appointments are typically scheduled during weekdays. Although some offices will schedule them on Saturdays or Sundays as well.

What Do I Need Before Scheduling A Breast Reduction Appointment?

Before you can book an appointment, make sure you have all of your insurance information. As well as any forms you may need to fill out before your appointment. Also make sure that you have copies of old medical records related to your breasts, including mammograms and ultrasounds. These are important because they help doctors figure out. How large your breasts are now and whether or not they’ve changed over time. If you do not know where to go for a breast reduction near me, consider consulting a local surgeon in advance who will be able to answer questions and provide references if necessary. And, never ignore advice from your primary care physician. He or she will likely know best when it comes to making sure. That a breast reduction is right for you.

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