What is Digital Marketing?

Are you interested in learning the art of digital marketing?
So, before we get deep into the fundamentals of digital marketing, and the most advanced techniques we must first understand the basics of what digital marketing is.
So we’re at the same place prior to diving into step-by step strategies.
What is Digital Marketing?
Digital marketing refers to the process of selling products or services using channels such as SEO, social media as well as email and mobile applications. Digital marketing can be described as any type of marketing that uses electronic devices.
It can be carried out both offline and online and, in actual fact, both types are crucial to the development of a comprehensive digital marketing strategies.
Why Digital Marketing Matters
Do you remember billboards? Yes, I do.
When I was a kid in California my experiences from the back of our car were mostly with: “Mom, when are we coming?” and “Uh, you’re looking at McDonald’s where are we going to take a trip?” whenever one of the billboards of 10 feet appeared at roadsides.
Growing growing up with Indian parents The answer to both likely to always be “not but.”
Sometimes, the biggest brands might even launch an advertising war, such as the one that was fought that was fought between Audi and BMW that brought in some laughs.
digital marketing – billboard examples of digital marketing before the advent of technology
In 2015, tons of my clients were still spending thousands of dollars on billboards advertising.
Fortunately, or perhaps not the billboard industry is mostly gone.
Think of this in the following as follows: Google and Facebook generate more revenue than traditional media company due to the fact that they are the ones who control more attention. This is why digital marketing is important as it’s where attention is.
The reason why billboards similar to the ones mentioned above will disappear is that they are not relevant to the present of motoring. is going to appear like this:
driverless cars – digital marketing
While driverless vehicles are already in existence however, drivers must be aware; in the near future, as technology develops there will be no passenger who will look towards the roadway.
I’d like to ask you a favor the next time you’re driving and offer a ride to an acquaintance a ride check out the seat of the passenger.
For a moment.
Even in the midst of the day, they’ll be staring at their phones.
If no one’s watching the road anymore who’s supposed to see the ads?
Furthermore, the percentage of people who spend more time using devices that are electronic is increasing and print ads continue to fall.
So, you’ll have a short amount of time to work out this digital marketing aspect before you turn off your old-fashioned printing press and shut it down.
Online Digital Marketing Summary
The two main components in digital marketing comprise marketing online and offline marketing. Since I’ll be discussing offline marketing separately in my article, I’ll just mention the various aspects of online marketing in order to be complete.
The 7 major types of internet marketing include:
SEO or Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
SEM stands for Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
Marketing content
Social Media Marketing (SMM)
Pay-per-click marketing (PPC)
Marketing through affiliates
Email marketing
Unbounce produced a fantastic infographic that summarizes the different types of marketing online in one simple chart.
Digital marketing components by noobs
The guide for beginners to marketing online, published on Quick Sprout, is a good place to begin.
The History of Digital Marketing
While it first became popular as a concept in the early 2000s, the term digital marketing has been around for much longer.
Like, WAY longer. A little over 100 years for instance.
Here’s a picture of the very first digital marketer in the history of marketing:
Gulielmo Marconi is the first digital marketer to be offline
His name: Guglielmo Marconi.
What? Marconi?
Yup. In 1896, he was the first person to show the “public wireless transmission.”
This guy invented the radio.
Following his small demonstration in England Morse signals were broadcast across the open sea.
It could take an additional 10 years for radio to reach the public at large but it didn’t take its creators too long to realize they could make use of the radio to promote products.
One of the first broadcasts live came of an opera in the Met and guess what the audience did afterwards?
They bought tickets to shows!
The digital marketing strategy was created.
Intro to Digital Marketing
There are four main types of marketing that are digital, including increased offline advertising, radio-based marketing marketing via television, and telephone marketing.
The enhanced offline marketing method is a kind of marketing that is completely offline, but is enhanced by electronic devices.
For instance, if your restaurant makes use of iPads to allow customers to make their menus on, the offline experience, for instance eating Thai food, can be enhanced by this technology.
The use of digital media to boost their marketing for a long time (you’ve just forgotten about the ways, you’ll find out).
An example of improved offline marketing
Then, there’s radio advertising. If you ever hear a grumpy, overly enthusiastic car dealer shout out every phrase of their commercial, say thank you to the Mr. Marconi.
Of course, it’s impossible to ignore the marketing on television. Television advertisements have been around for more than a century (and since 1953, also in color and nationwide and yes, there was an era before the advent of color TV).
The final and fastest-growing field that is offline-based marketing but admittedly a number of failures, busts and failuresis phone marketing.
Let’s take a look at the four areas in greater specific detail.
Enhanced Offline Marketing
What is the difference between a billboard out in desert Arizona and one located in the city of New York’s Times Square?
The size? The product?
3 letters: LED. LEDs are light emitting diodes.
The billboards that line Times Square are electronic!
Digital marketing that is enhanced off-line, Example of a billboard with LED times square
Why? Because in the deserts of Arizona there is no one in competition with you to get people’s interest. If you’ve got any billboards at all it’s a win.
However, in Times Square, attention is most likely to be more valuable than anywhere other place around the globe. There are more than 330,000 people who pass through it every day.
If you’re looking to get distracted, there are buses taxis, promoters shouting and, of course, the digital billboards.
Some are interactive that show live feeds of people who are on the square, or photos of customers.
A billboard on Times Square, for a year, could cost anywhere from 1,000,000-$4,000,000.
What other forms can the offline advertising process get more effective?
What are you seeing when you go into the Apple Store these days?
offline digital marketing – apple store
People leaning on iPads, Macbooks and iPhones.
If you’re selling any kind digital product a demonstration of your product is an essential component to your marketing plan for the digital age.
This is an excellent one. If you can remember this you’re a very lucky child.
offline digital marketing – demo disc
This disc is a demo of the first PlayStation. A few of them were given out along with other games, or magazines.
The same was true for PC magazines. Remember the days when they came with CDs (and later DVDs) and you were eager to put them in your drive to see what kinds of samples they contained?
A little different from the demos These are actual product samples with digital formats.
Radio Marketing
More than 100 years’ have gone by since the first live broadcast of an opera on the Met and guess what? radio is still on the air.
Around 250 million Americans listen to radio every month.
On average, people spend the equivalent of 102 minutes a each day watching radio programs
In 2023, radio advertising expenditure is projected to grow by a half-a-billion dollars
In recent times radio has made an intelligent moveof having the hosts read advertising sponsorships in the opening of their shows. The anchor of the show reads a script that you or the writer of the script which promotes your brand.
To sponsor a campaign you must locate your local radio stations by conducting an easy Google search. Choose a station that’s audience is representative of your business’s target audience The radio stations should be able give you the information that will help you pick the best fit.
If, for instance, your business sells products for mothers it is important to find the radio station with a listener is female between 24 to 40.
If you opt for the traditional route of radio advertising the most important thing is to make it entertaining and grab the listener’s attention.
Cadillac as well as Dairy Queen are two brands which produce quality radio advertisements on a regular basis.
Listen to some examples.
TV Marketing
TV marketing is an enormous Goliath that it’s likely to remain in the future. It’s also the field which sees the highest amount of money wasted every year.
A few quick facts about the resurgence of TV advertising:
The average American is still watching 4 hours of television per day, which does not include shows that are streamed
less than 2/3 of the population are on cable
78% of users have an account on a multi-streaming service
While cable TV advertisements aren’t as effective in reaching the right people, they also have an unsatisfactory ROI when compared with other forms of digital marketing and appear to be largely insignificant today but there’s one kind of TV ad that could still be worthwhile however, it’s going to cost you.
Did I mention that renting a billboard at Times Square, for a year, can cost you a million dollars or more?
An advertisement of 60 seconds airing in the Super Bowl costs $5.6 million.
Because of their cross-pollinating effect The frequently memorable and often viral commercials continue to pay for themselves.
Around 10 percent of all TV commercial views on social platforms stem via Super Bowl ads. As do about 8 percent of all views on YouTube which are related to commercial TV.
If your advertisement is added onto the blacklist (commercials that the network determines cannot be shown on television) the impact on virality will be even greater as in the famous Carl’s Junior advertisement that wasn’t shown during this year’s Superbowl.
Furthermore, these ads turn into online assets, which generate million of YouTube views over time.
Unfortunately, the excitement of commercials for the Super Bowl commercials is probably more of a remnant of an era of success that’s beginning to disappear.
The $200 billion companies continue to spend annually on commercials for TV isn’t plausible, given that everyone living in the United States has a Netflix account, and many more coming.
Television, in its current form that we are used to is about to go out of fashion and be replaced by the more personalized experiences we’re already accustomed to.
If you do think of doing off-line digital advertising, then I’d recommend to spend your time and money on a platform for marketing or channel in the near future.
Phone Marketing
About 75% of Americans own a smartphone this year, the number of smartphone users surpassed the threshold that more people access the internet through their mobile rather than a desktop PC or laptop.
Mobile marketing is on the rise, and as of 2015 the money spent on mobile ads was first higher than the amount that was spent on desktop ads.
Let’s take a look at alternatives to advertise your product using phone marketing.
Two apps are often overlooked, but they are present on all phones, intelligent or not:
Calling and Texting
Cold calling refers to the act of calling someone who has no previous contact, and trying to convince them to buy something.
With about 3 daily sales (marketers contact 52 people per day and make approximately 17 calls before they get buyers) however, it’s not as effective as the capacity of email or social media but it’s still an effective strategy for marketing.
This tactic is effective, but does not scale well when selling to end-users (B2C) and making contact prior to trying to sell can help close the sale (especially when it comes to B2B where it’s focused on connections).
What is more effective is advertising by texting, using an “app” which is accessible on every phone available.
On or off line Text messages are nearly a sure read.
While it is recommended to have permission before you start, for instance for example, asking your customers to text an exact word to a address, it is possible to find a variety of companies that provide SMS marketing on a large size.
There are many methods to use text messages for marketing.
offline digital marketing using text messages
Coupons, special deals discounts, and coupons are an excellent opportunity for restaurants to attract more customers and convert customers who come in for a walk into regulars.
There are more examples of successful text messaging in restaurants campaigns here.
Utilizing text messages as a customer service is another way to improve your mobile marketing. This is something that many pharmacies use it. Customers are notified when their prescriptions are ready for pick-up.
A different option would be to set up an loyalty program where you can text customers participating in the program with promotions, special deals, and other offers.
QR Codes
Another alternative is QR codes.
offline digital marketing and digital marketing – qr code for an example of marketing by phone
There was a time when you had to download a particular application to utilize QR codes, but today all you have to do is tap your smartphone’s camera and the QR code will be read, bringing up the website.
How to Set Up an Offline Digital Marketing Strategy
Create an improved offline marketing strategy
Create ads that are optimized for digital platforms like digital billboards. showcase products and provide digital samples of products.
Develop a radio marketing plan
Talk to local radio stations about advertising sponsorships or design captivating traditional advertisements by employing funny voices, local celebrities or even mentioning current topics.
Participate in TV marketing
The most efficient method of achieving a good return on TV ads is to purchase ad time during events that viewers watch live. You can also create advertisements that go popular (by being controversial humorous, emotional, or even funny) or by creating ads that can be reused across different ad channels.
Do you use a phone for marketing?
Smartphones create unique phone advertising opportunities. Modern software can be used to call cold and leave voice messages without ringing for customers, or send text messages offering discounts and deals to your customers or use QR codes.
General Digital Marketing FAQ
Digital marketing is what it sounds like?
Digital marketing is the delivery of advertising via digital channels. Channels include mobile apps, social media emails, web applications such as websites, search engines, or any other digital channel that is new.
What’s the future for digital marketing?
Online and offline realms are merging. Traditional devices like refrigerators ovens, billboards and even refrigerators will be updated to make use of digital media.
What is the importance of digital marketing?
Google and Facebook earn more money than any other traditional media company because they have more viewers. Digital marketing is the reason because it’s the place where focus is.
What channels comprise the digital marketing?
Social media, search engines blogs, online advertisements, blogs email marketing, affiliate marketing mobile apps, and emails.
Digital Marketing Conclusion
This is the latest news on digital marketing. As you will see, the web is certainly not the only way for marketers to make a mark even today.
Of course, nobody could afford to not take advantage on the possibilities on the internet and, in the end, all marketers must learn how to market online.
Utilizing these offline marketing strategies will help you not put all your eggs in one basket at the same time as well as expand your lead-generation strategies strategy beyond the realm of social media marketing, Content Marketing and similar.
In addition, digital and offline worlds are merging. Traditional devices like refrigerators ovens, refrigerators, and billboards will be updated to make use of digital media.
While our agency doesn’t focus on offline advertising, our agency are able to assist you with assistance with growing or getting your digital marketing strategy off of the starting point! Get in touch to learn more