What is swimming in the pool?

The pool is characterized by a special animal world
Residents of fresh water sources form a food source for various fish and serve as food for various amphibians, aquatic and semi-aquatic animals, reptiles, birds and animals. Some of them have economic interests for humans, especially fish with Lifeguard Course.
In stagnant water sources, a number of biotopes are isolated (areas occupied by a particular plant community and associated animal populations) and distinct biosensors.
In individual groups of living organisms in the pond. The practice of isolating plankton (the inhabitants of the soil at the bottom of the reservoir).
Plankton consists of two main groups of organisms – phytoplankton (bacteria and microscopic algae) and zooplankton (small round worms and lower crustaceans). It varies in composition depending on the type of reservoir, but everywhere it is an essential food source for many freshwater animals, in particular, for various fish and their fries.
Benthos are represented by the richest of animals, some of which are worms, shells, water snails, beetles, bugs, dragonflies, mosquitoes and their larvae. Benthic organisms are in complex relationships between their constituent parts, as well as between plankton and nekton, and form a powerful food base for fish and other inhabitants of the reservoir.
Nectar is mainly represented by fish and, to a lesser extent, crustaceans, amphibians, reptiles and mammals.
Near the shore, between the surface areas of plants, dragonflies run quickly in search of small insects. Dragonfly larvae live in water for many months and grow into adult insects that live on land.
In addition to dragonflies, adult winged insects, caddis flies and mayflies, and a few less irrelevant butterflies, larvae live in the water, sitting motionless on plants, emitting pupae in the water. Swarms of mosquitoes flutter in the air, and their growth takes place in water. Between the leaves of the water lilies floating above the water, the egg capsules and the trunks of the aforementioned plants protruding above the water, the large spiders – dolomites, bordered on the sides of the body by a cream colored strip, run. Clinging to the stems of plants with their claws, these spiders climb them well and sit on some floating leaf and await their prey.
Not far from the coast, flocks of black-colored insects with metallic luster catch the spotlight, which swims quickly, makes sharp turns, swings and turns. These are predatory beetles. They hunt small insects that live in the water or fall into the water. The underwater aquifers of the coast create a conducive environment for the pond’s diverse living habitats.
So, for example, only one of the spiders – a silver spider – arranges a kind of habitat under water in the form of a web bell.
You can also see water strider bugs, flies and mosquito larvae hunting here. In addition to the water strider bugs that inhabit the water surface, many other types of bugs live in fresh water sources that remain under water and lead a different lifestyle there. Among them, the original smooth bug deserves attention. He swims abnormally: down the dorsal, up the abdomen, i.e. in an upside down position. The shape of its body resembles a spoon with well-groomed smooth sides. The hind legs act like horns, making wide swings, while the short front and middle legs help to sense prey.
Another rover defect is somewhat similar to the sleek ones, however, it differs in its small size, bright body color and the way it swims with its backs, that is, in the usual way. Unlike smooth ones, the rover feeds on algae and dilapidated plant tissues. He gathers this food from the bottom and the surface of the water bodies with scoops of his front legs.
The direct opposite of tenderness is another error – water scorpion. In contrast to smooth fish, it avoids free water, hiding between water bodies . The upper layer of coastal algae near the water surface. He lives a hidden lifestyle: slowly crawling between branches or sitting motionless in anticipation of hunting. In addition to water bugs and spiders, pond dwellers include a variety of beetles and their larvae. The biggest of them are swimmers and water lovers. Swimming larvae are very aggressive and attack all creatures close to them. Adult swimming beetles feed on insects, crustaceans, snails, tadpoles, frogs, nuts, fish, worms and other inhabitants of the reservoir. The swimmer himself falls prey to waterfowl and predatory fish.
Of greater interest are fish, which have well-defined food contacts with aquatic organisms and animals that live in water, but also attack fish. For example, water snakes, gallows, kingfishers and otters eat fish.
Fish eggs, juveniles and larvae are attacked by swimmers and their larvae, smooth and water scorpions, dragonfly larvae. On the other hand, fish eat the earth insects that fall into the water and hunt the Stone Flies and Mayflies the moment they lay eggs in the water. In the reservoir, fish prey on planktonic organisms, as well as mosquito and caddisfly larvae, mollusks and worms. A lot of fish food is found in the coastal bushes. In coastal areas, fish spend most of their lives, not so much on the purity of water and on the oxygen content of it, for example, roach, trench, crucian carp. Rough, bream, perch, carp and pike away from shore.
How to set up a fish pond
Some people think that the “living” pond in the country is a ditch with water. Dug, filled with water, and started to fish. Others invite specially trained craftsmen who perform all the necessary calculations and, as a result, obtain a complete hydraulic structure, which costs a lot of money for its maintenance and repair (if needed). But most Dacha is still six acres, not sixty, but everything must be beautiful and well-groomed on them, we choose the Golden Mean.
You can make an artificial reservoir to reproduce fish with your own hands. But for everything to work properly, you need to follow a few mandatory rules when arranging and choosing a pool location.
Location requirements
The garden pond, in which the fish settle after some time, must be near the house. You can place it between flower beds so you can kill two birds with one stone – and decorate the landscape, and equip the habitat for aquatic inhabitants.
When choosing a place to pool, you should definitely think about lighting. Best of all, if it’s partial shade or shade most of the day. It is permitted if the reservoir is under the sun’s rays for more than six hours. If there is too much sun, algae, bacteria and other microorganisms will start to multiply actively in the reservoir, but not the fish.
Determine the parameters
After selecting the appropriate location, we proceed to such parameters as depth, shape, size . The simplest to choose is the form reservoir. Its contours can be sinus or geometrically clear – for example, oval or round. The pond may protrude or sink into the ground.
The latter option probably looks more organic and is more suitable for breeding fish and planting plants (both aquatic and coastal). Otherwise, when choosing a form, you can rely on your imagination and taste.
The pond size is 5 to 50 sqm. Again, it depends on personal preferences and the area of the site. This, oddly enough, requires a lot of maintenance. If you need to create a fish farm, then go for 5 sq.. Not enough. But this is no longer a summer story.
What do we build from that?
One of the most important moments is the material selection for the fish house. The easiest option is to use ready-made stamped forms. They are relatively inexpensive, fast-paced, have a large selection of contours and are suitable for small ponds up to one meter deep. A “but” – subtlety.
Tenant’s settlement
So the main nuances of building (or renovating, if there is already a pond) are taken into account. It’s time to popularize. IMPORTANT: Collecting the pool is not immediate, but better in the second or third season .
The pond, though a park, is an ecosystem. It takes time to fully develop. Two weeks after the first start of watering, watercress’s can be planted – they are necessary. Then observe the state of the water. If everything is in order, then the plants will stay in their places. Over time, they grow, and the organisms necessary for fish nourishment and survival begin in the reservoir. After that the pond is ready for “distribution” and settles with the fish.