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What kids know and need to Learning about counting numbers

learning counting numbers

Context and overview

Small children, including babies, acquire simple principles of quantities that are basically non-verbal: more/less, order, same, and add/subtract in learning counting numbers. Agers, without any adult support, learn most of these things on their own.

In real life, children also use these definitions, for instance, to decide who gets more or less ice cream. You can improve your kids learning counting numbers skills.

In some conditions, children’s definitions and techniques are helpful but need to be enriched for counting numbers skills and kids’ vocabulary.

(That’s maybe why the number was invented: not only does the shepherd need to know that he has a lot of sheep, but how many, exactly.) This is what kids know and what they need to remember at about three, four, and five years of age.

More/less in learning counting numbers

Kids need to be able to see that more objects are here than are there. This dilemma is mostly overcome not by learning to count numbers,

but by physical presence. This solution is still suitable

but can lead to incorrect responses and uncertainty.


For certain reasons, decisions of more or less are adequate,

but often a distinction needs to be made between more than two items. Thus, the principle of order, which contains subtle concepts:

The second item is bigger in a set of three items than the one preceding it, but smaller than the one after it.

Often, in a new sequence, the object that was first will become the last.

Again, to overcome the issues, young kids seem to rely too heavily on looks.

At this process, kids learning counting numbers skill also increase.

Same number

The same number can also increase the skill of learning counting numbers in kids. Also, without adult support, the definition of the same number evolves through many phases:

The first step

is to see that two groups of the same form and structure are indeed equal in size. Therefore,

if a brown bear and a yellow canary are located right below another brown bear and a yellow canary,

The counting numbers of rows is the same (as well as in shape, color, and arrangement).


The second step

is to see that in learning counting numbers, two classes that vary in color or form may still be the same. Thus, if a pink pig and a blue heron are put directly under a brown bear and a yellow canary,

all rows are the same in number (and arrangement, although they differ in shape and color).

The third step

is to see that the learning counting numbers of two groups that only differ in the arrangement are the same. Therefore, if a brown bear and a yellow canary are not placed directly under a pink pig and blue heron,

but lie elsewhere, the number of both groups is the same (although they differ in arrangement, shape, and color).

The fourth

is to see that one category gets the same counting numbers when rearranged as it did before it was moved around. Therefore, if the child first sees in one setting a brown bear and a yellow canary,

which is then converted,

the child understands that the number did not shift from what it was before the rearrangement.

The fifth

is first to see that although they appear identical, two counting numbers are the same number,

such as five eggs in a row and five egg cups in a row each has the same number. But then if there is a transformation (for example, spreading the eggs apart so that the line of eggs is longer than the line of egg cups),

even if the two lines look different, the child must be able to understand that the eggs and egg cups are the same in number.

The concept of adding as leading to more and subtracting from less.

Children learn that:

The fifth is the first to see that two counting numbers are the same number, although they appear identical, such as five eggs in a row and five egg cups in a row, each having the same number. But then, if there is a transformation (spreading the eggs apart, for instance,

so that the egg line is longer than the egg cup line), even if the two lines look different, the child must be able to understand that the number of eggs and egg cups is the same.

The principle of adding as committing to more and subtracting from fewer.

Those are some techniques to help the kids learning counting numbers.

This article is uploaded to durj blog.

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