What to do if the button on the laptop fell off

The most common causes of breakdowns
The keyboard on a mobile PC has approximately the same structure as on a personal PC. She, like any device, is very sensitive to all kinds of pollution, animal hair, crumbs, and especially liquid spilled on it. After a certain time of using the keyboard, the buttons on the mobile PC fail or simply fall off.
Also, the simple banal cleaning of the keyboard using a vacuum cleaner for this purpose can be the cause of breakage of the buttons on a mobile PC. Or a small child may accidentally laptop keyboard key fell off. Also, the cause of such a breakdown can be pets that live with you. This also happens quite often. But you do not need to immediately carry a laptop for repair. You can often do everything yourself.
Button structure
Before considering how to insert a button on a laptop, you need to know its structure and attachment features.
The button consists of the key itself, the mechanism for holding it and a spring element with which it can be raised and lowered. Also there is a special film with platforms and paths.
The mount consists of two parts. These two parts are fastened together in the center with small “antennae”. They come out of the inner part of the mount and are inserted into special grooves in the outer part. Thanks to this design, they can move when you press them. The button itself is attached to opposite sides.
There are no general recommendations on how to insert a button on a laptop, as there are many well-known brands that make keyboards. But we will consider general principles that can be applied in most cases.
Consider how to insert a button on a laptop
If a button has fallen out on your mobile PC, you do not need to immediately panic. In many cases, the problem resolves itself. At home, you can also solve the problem of how to insert a button into a laptop. To do this, it is enough to have a simple paper clip with you. Before inserting a button on a laptop to replace it, the old part must be removed from the keyboard. Working with the buttons on a mobile PC requires more care, as they are flatter and can be damaged if pressed hard. The removal of the element is as follows. It is necessary to straighten the paper clip into a straight line and pass the keys under the lower platform. Now you need to pull it towards you, and the key will jump off its base.
It should be noted that it is not necessary to apply force when installing the keys. Any pressing must be done smoothly and easily.
After installation, you need to carefully check the fastening of the replaced key. When buying new buttons, you need to check whether they will fit your laptop model. If you need to change several details, then it is better to do it gradually. In order not to confuse the location on the keyboard.
Before inserting a button on a laptop, you need to carefully look so that the plastic mount, which is located under the key itself, is in place. It may seem at once that it is very difficult to dock everything. But in fact, this is not entirely true, because in reality there can be only one correct option. You won’t install anything else.
How to insert a large button
Consider how to insert a button on a large laptop. These are such keys as Space, Tab, Shift, Enter. In addition to the “rocker”, which is made of plastic, they can also have a metal stabilizer. It is necessary so that the key is pressed evenly. On the inside there are two lugs needed to attach the stabilizer to them. Immediately you need to start its ends. Next, we put the antennae of the “rocker” into the grooves and put the button in its place by slightly pressing it.
The spacebar rests on several “rocker” and on the stabilizer. A situation may arise that the “rocker” can be disassembled. It is easy to assemble using a needle or a toothpick for this. One side must be inserted into the groove, and the second is installed using a needle.
Consider how to insert a button on a laptop in which the mount is made using metal brackets instead of a plastic swing. Mounting here is also easy. It should only be noted that such a keyboard will be noisier.
How to fix a button on a laptop
It must be clearly understood that an attempt to repair a button will most often be only one. This must be taken into account before putting the button on the laptop. Before starting the necessary work, you must have the following tools available:
A needle from a simple syringe.
We place the broken mount on its workplace. We take a needle and a soldering iron. We apply the needle to the place of the broken antennae and see that it goes there a few millimeters. We heat it with a soldering iron and melt it into the mount. We bite off the unnecessary part of the needle. We clean off excess plastic.
Consider another option, how to put a button on a laptop. We heat the needle with a lighter and make a groove with it, in which you can put, for example, a lint or something like that. We put it in the groove and glue it with superglue
How to make a new button
If the button stops working, do not rush to immediately throw it away. Maybe she just sunk down, and she can be put in place. If not, then the button must first be carefully considered. If it just cracked a little, then it can be glued with simple superglue. Only the most important thing is that her contact is in the same place.
If the button just fell out
If the button fell out of the laptop, you must perform these steps. On its reverse side there are grooves and latches. They have “rocker ears”. Their purpose is to connect the button to the keyboard. If the key with the “rocker” has fallen out, they must be disconnected. Then the “rocker” is installed. It will have a button cover. They are interconnected by the grooves that are on them.
So, we figured out how to put a button on a laptop. As you can see, this is not very difficult to do, and in many cases you can solve the problem without contacting a service center.
The most common causes of breakdowns
The keyboard on a mobile PC has approximately the same structure as on a personal PC. She, like any device, is very sensitive to all kinds of pollution, animal hair, crumbs, and especially liquid spilled on it. After a certain time of using the keyboard, the buttons on the mobile PC fail or simply fall off.
Also, the simple banal cleaning of the keyboard using a vacuum cleaner for this purpose can be the cause of breakage of the buttons on a mobile PC. Or a small child may accidentally tear off a key. Also, the cause of such a breakdown can be pets that live with you. This also happens quite often. But you do not need to immediately carry a laptop for repair. You can often do everything yourself.
Button structure
Before considering how to insert a button on a laptop, you need to know its structure and attachment features.
The button consists of the key itself, the mechanism for holding it and a spring element with which it can be raised and lowered. Also there is a special film with platforms and paths.
The mount consists of two parts. These two parts are fastened together in the center with small “antennae”. They come out of the inner part of the mount and are inserted into special grooves in the outer part. Thanks to this design, they can move when you press them. The button itself is attached to opposite sides.
There are no general recommendations on how to insert a button on a laptop, as there are many well-known brands that make keyboards. But we will consider general principles that can be applied in most cases.
Consider how to insert a button on a laptop
If a button has fallen out on your mobile PC, you do not need to immediately panic. In many cases, the problem resolves itself. At home, you can also solve the problem of how to insert a button into a laptop. To do this, it is enough to have a simple paper clip with you. Before inserting a button on a laptop to replace it, the old part must be removed from the keyboard. Working with the buttons on a mobile PC requires more care, as they are flatter and can be damaged if pressed hard. The removal of the element is as follows. It is necessary to straighten the paper clip into a straight line and pass the keys under the lower platform. Now you need to pull it towards you, and the key will jump off its base.
It should be noted that it is not necessary to apply force when installing the keys. Any pressing must be done smoothly and easily.
After installation, you need to carefully check the fastening of the replaced key. When buying new buttons, you need to check whether they will fit your laptop model. If you need to change several details, then it is better to do it gradually. In order not to confuse the location on the keyboard.
Before inserting a button on a laptop, you need to carefully look so that the plastic mount, which is located under the key itself, is in place. It may seem at once that it is very difficult to dock everything. But in fact, this is not entirely true, because in reality there can be only one correct option. You won’t install anything else.
How to insert a large button
The spacebar rests on several “rocker” and on the stabilizer. A situation may arise that the “rocker” can be disassembled. It is easy to assemble using a needle or a toothpick for this. One side must be inserted into the groove, and the second is installed using a needle.
Consider how to insert a button on a laptop in which the mount is made using metal brackets instead of a plastic swing. Mounting here is also easy. It should only be noted that such a keyboard will be noisier.
How to fix a button on a laptop
It must be clearly understood that an attempt to repair a button will most often be only one. This must be taken into account before putting the button on the laptop. Before starting the necessary work, you must have the following tools available:
A needle from a simple syringe.
We place the broken mount on its workplace. We take a needle and a soldering iron. We apply the needle to the place of the broken antennae and see that it goes there a few millimeters. We heat it with a soldering iron and melt it into the mount. We bite off the unnecessary part of the needle. We clean off excess plastic.
Consider another option, how to put a button on a laptop. We heat the needle with a lighter and make a groove with it, in which you can put, for example, a lint or something like that. We put it in the groove and glue it with superglue
How to make a new button
If the button stops working, do not rush to immediately throw it away. Maybe she just sunk down, and she can be put in place. If not, then the button must first be carefully considered. If it just cracked a little, then it can be glued with simple superglue. Only the most important thing is that her contact is in the same place.
If the button just fell out
If the button fell out of the laptop, you must perform these steps. On its reverse side there are grooves and latches. They have “rocker ears”. Their purpose is to connect the button to the keyboard. If the key with the “rocker” has fallen out, they must be disconnected. Then the “rocker” is installed. It will have a button cover. They are interconnected by the grooves that are on them.
So, we figured out how to put a button on a laptop. As you can see, this is not very difficult to do, and in many cases you can solve the problem without contacting a service center.
Sometimes, as a result of improper handling of a laptop or due to a strong blow, the keys fall out. If it is easy to insert it into the keyboard for stationary computers, then skill is required here. If you are not ready to put the key in place yourself, then you should contact the service center. Specialists will be able to perform all the necessary actions within five minutes. And the cost of this service does not exceed 100 rubles.
Top reasons to replace a key on a keyboard
They can fall out for several reasons. Here are the main ones:
- a strong blow to the laptop or keyboard;
- an independent attempt to pull out debris from under the buttons. As a result, some of them may fall out;
- excessive pressure on the keys while working with a laptop;
- fluid ingress.
There are several options for the inoperability of the keys. Depending on this, it is worth doing the repair yourself or contacting specialists. If the reason is a short circuit or damage to the cable, then you should definitely contact the specialists.
Important! The button has so-called antennae. If one of them broke as a result of external influence on the keyboard, then it is necessary to completely change the button. Otherwise, it will constantly fly out. Keyboard replacement is required when the matrix is broken, as a result of which it is impossible to restore the full functionality of one or more keys.
What is required for self-repair
If you decide to insert the key yourself, then you will definitely need a needle and a paper clip or items that can replace them. If you need to make minor repairs, additionally take a soldering iron, knife, screwdriver, glue and small tweezers.
Important! Incorrect actions may necessitate a complete replacement of the keyboard on a laptop. Therefore, if you do not have the skills to repair computer equipment, it is better to contact specialists.
What is a keyboard button on a laptop
Here are the elements of a button on a laptop:
the lid itself is made of plastic with a latch;
Important! Make sure that the swing is attached to the plastic part completely, otherwise it will fall out.
The process of installing a button on a laptop
Before installing the key, you must carefully examine the swing for their integrity. If any part is damaged, then you will need to change the button from specialists or order it yourself in specialized stores.
The installation process is as follows:
Installing the swing on the metal part of the keyboard. Moreover, it is necessary to first bring the antennae under the larger part, and then, by means of a slight pressure, the two remaining antennae will enter the grooves.
Important! If the cover fell out together with the swing, then these parts must be installed separately from each other, as indicated above. If you do not disassemble these two parts, then there is a high risk of damage to the antennae, for which the button clings to the keyboard.
The installation of large buttons occurs as on a conventional keyboard. There is a small metal stabilizer that needs to be inserted into the grooves on the keyboard. And then you need to lift it in order to install the cover strictly on it. If the installation is incorrect, there will be no spring effect.
If the tendrils of the key are broken, but you managed to find them, then you can use super glue to fix them.