What You Need To Know About The Arleta Pap Smear Clinic

Don’t we all feel good when we know our health is okay? Keeping in touch with your physician is, therefore, crucial. Knowing how your reproductive system is can prevent severe illnesses, and that’s why it’s vital to discuss the benefits of getting screened in the Arleta pap smear clinic if you’re a woman aged from 21years.
Cancer has claimed many lives, and since scientists and medical researchers are yet to find its cure, it will continue to do that. However, as an individual, you can take a few measures to prevent it or act in time after getting screened.
Since cervix cancer will not show obvious symptoms, you must visit your ob-gyn and check if you have any issues in your gynecological region. And might even detect any abnormalities in your cervix that may be a sign of concern during a pap smear test. But the essence of early testing is that the doctor mitigates the problem and might save the patient.
What is a Pap Smear Test?
When you ask several women about a pap smear test, you might dread having it. It is one of the most critical screening procedures for every woman performed by an ob-gyn in the cervical area to see if there are abnormal cells that might be precancerous and turn into cancer. So, we’ll help you understand it better.
The Arleta pap smear clinic advises women to do a pap smear after their 21st birthday. Then after turning 30 years, they can do the contesting pap test and human papillomavirus (HPV) test. HPV is a virus acquired sexually and a leading cause of cervical cancer.
Pap Smear Test
Since a pap test is a quick procedure, patients have it in a doctor’s office. So, you’ll meet your physician, take you through what to expect, and get started. The doctor will ask you to relax, relieve your bladder, if need be, and lie on the examination table. Since the test is waist below, you will have to undress and wear a more comfortable hospital gown. With your legs apart, your doctor will use a stirrup to support your legs so you can remain in this position for examination. And to open up your vaginal walls, he will carefully insert a speculum into your vagina, which will help him access your cervix. At this point, he will scrape some sample cells from your cervix using a brush or spatula. You might feel uncomfortable or experience some irritation during the scraping, but it’s just for a while. After this procedure, the cell sample will go to the lab for further analysis. And the concern here is to check if there is the presence of abnormal cells.
Cervical cancer deterrence
Overall admission, a Pap smear can help you keep cervix cancer at bay. This test can stop the abnormal cells from developing into a dangerous phase. The test can detect scarce shifts in the cervical cells and indicate the proper diagnosis. Detecting precancerous cells can allow doctors for proper diagnosis. So, they can prescribe you medicine and other treatments to completely stop the formation of cancer cells. Thus, the right dose of medicine and proper follow-up can treat the precancerous cells. This way, you can successfully prevent cervix cancer from bothering your health.
Proper diagnosis
Detecting the abnormal growth of cervix cells will enable you to get the proper treatment. There is less chance of getting a favorable report until you have any symptoms. But, if you need treatment, you can get it effectively. The doctor will evaluate your information and form the diagnosis plan accordingly. Therefore, you will get the medicine prescription, radiation, or chemo per requirement. You may have to get the treatment for a short period if you detect the abnormalities with a Pap smear yearly.
The patient leaves after the pap smear procedure and waits for the test results. If you had gone to the Arleta pap smear clinic, your doctor would call to give you the results. They can be normal or abnormal. And this is what you can expect:
Normal Pap Smear
Normal means (negative) everything is okay, and there was no detection of abnormal cells. So, after this, you can come for your next appointment after three years.
Abnormal Pap Smear
Though abnormal test results might not mean you have cancer, this can be a concern. A positive result might indicate the presence of precancerous cells that might turn into cancer. Your doctor might request another pap smear test or take a closer look at your cervical tissues using another test known as colposcopy. It’s a procedure involving magnification light that enables a better and clearer view of cervical tissues.
How Often Should You Have a Pap Smear Test?
Many factors, including age, lifestyle, health history, and your previous pap smear results, determine how often you can get a pap smear test. So, after your first pap smear test at 21 years shows a normal outcome, your next appointment can be after 2-3 years.
Upon reaching 30 years, the Arleta pap smear clinic recommends combining this pap smear with an HPV test. They have professional gynecologists trained to perform all sorts of gynecological examinations. And these include pap tests and HPV. If both come negative, your next screening can be after 3-5 years.
Can HPV be an alternative to Pap Smear? – the answer is that no-pap smear identifies any cellular changes in the cervix, and the HPV virus could be the culprit of these changes. Since the procedure for both tests is the same, your doctor can do them together. And it assures the patient of their reproductive health.
HPV is a notorious STD affecting about 79 million Americans. While there are multiple types of HPV, not all cause cancer. HPV can detect cell growth indicating other cancers but can’t identify sexually transmitted infections (STI).
If you’re sexually active and practicing unsafe sex, you risk HPV. One way to stop HPV virus-transmitted sexually is to practice safe sex. Also, take the test every three years to check your status. If you go for screening, your doctor might detect any cervical cells early and can prevent cancer from spreading to other organs. However, if this test shows positive, you will need regular screening as advised by your doctor.
Some of the factors that will cause regular pap smear testing include:
- If your previous test had indicated the presence of precancerous cells, that would have suggested cancer.
- Patients infected with HIV/AIDs.
- A person with a poor immune system
Women from 65 without any of the mentioned concerns don’t have to continue having pap smear tests. Also, women who have heard of a hysterectomy no longer need pap smear screening.
In Conclusion
Now that you understand the essence of the pap test, you must consider taking this test. And whatever scary rumors you might have heard, you should ignore them. Arleta Pap Smear Clinic only helps to check, protect and ensure your reproductive region is healthy and clear of cancerous cells. But the earlier you take this pap smear test, the better they can mitigate the problem if any. Regular pap tests reduce the mortality rate and cervical cancer by 80 percent. This is a safe and painless procedure, so no need to worry at all. You can get this test done at affordable prices with an immediate medical response.