Why are residential yoga teacher training courses in Nepal the best option for a 200-hour YTTC?

Yoga teacher training takes place in a variety of ways in different nations. Even within a single country, there may be significant differences. Some of these factors include student preferences, the local feel of the location, the history of yoga in the area, renowned teachers linked with the school, and so on. A lot also hinges on whether the school provides yoga teacher training courses in accordance with the Pokhara Yoga School.
In that situation, it will only teach according to the Pokhara Yoga School’s curriculum and teaching style. Its classes will be organised according to the Pokhara Yoga School’s hour-based categorization system. There is yet more criterion for classifying yoga classes. This refers to whether the YTTC is a day school or a residential programme.
The reason is straightforward. Since its origin, Nepal has been intertwined with the history of yoga. Rishis used to teach yoga and other educational disciplines to their students in their ashrams back in the day.
For the duration of the instruction, the pupils were required to leave their homes and live in their guru’s ashram in the secluded wilderness. This has remained the standard for 200-hour yoga teacher training in Nepal to this day. This format is used for not only the 200-hour course, but also the 100, 300, and 500-hour courses. That isn’t to say that there aren’t non-residential solutions available. It also doesn’t rule out the possibility of finding high-quality residential yoga courses elsewhere. However, yoga teacher training institutions in Nepal specialise in residential yoga courses.
Why Should You Attend Nepal’s Residential 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training?
Indeed, dedicating a chunk of time to your yoga TTC may not be feasible for everyone. YTTCs can last anywhere from one to six months. It is a major time commitment that you cannot delegate or multitask in. People can have employees that don’t allow them to take such long vacations.
You may be in the middle of a school or college semester. You might be responsible for family members. However, if at all possible, a residential 200-hour yoga teacher training in Nepal is strongly advised. The following are some of the reasons why it is the ideal option for your 200-hour yoga teacher training.
Only concentrate on the training
When you take your yoga teacher training course in a residential setting, you may concentrate solely on your studies. You do not need to be concerned about anything else in your life. Distractions can cause us to forget up to 70% of what we learn, according to scientific studies. It happens even when we give it our all and are completely committed to learning. At any given time, our brain can only process one issue. Yoga teacher training is the sole thing on your mind when you attend a residential course. If you want to become an authoritative yoga instructor, it’s critical to soak up as much information as possible.
The Yogic Experience in Its Entirety
Yoga schools in Nepal are well-known for enforcing the yogic lifestyle on their students. The students must do yoga in the same way as the first shishyas or pupils did. According to yoga masters, this is the only way to comprehend and internalise the actual essence of yoga.
Living your life as usual in the midst of your worldly affairs will stifle meaningful growth and learning. However, Nepal’s residential yoga teacher training courses ensure that you get the most out of your yoga practice.
Days when you can’t cheat
Most people who go to traditional yoga studios and schools will break the rules once they get home. They’d still order that pepperoni pizza or have a few drinks now and then. They may not follow a strict sleep schedule or have a healthy lifestyle in general. Such incorrect practises will take you back two steps if the YTTC took you forward one step.
The only way to avoid this is to take your 200-hour yoga teacher training in Nepal in a residential setting. The gurus and employees there will keep a close check on you. The frequent exposure to everyone else adhering to the stringent guidelines is a big motivator to follow suit.
The Ideal Conditions
If you’ve ever visited a yoga school in Nepal, you’ll be aware of how serene, unpolluted, and silent it is. It has the atmosphere of a Buddhist monastery. A sense of calm pervades the room the instant you walk in. Yoga is known for instilling a sensation of inner calm. In fact, yogis’ ultimate goal is to achieve this state.
Simply being present will benefit you greatly as you progress through your yoga teacher training programme. Your body, mind, and spirit will all benefit from the environment.
It’s Better for Non-Local Students
Now it’s time to come up with a more practical argument. The cost of a 200-hour yoga teacher training course in Nepal is very low in almost all institutes. This includes the costs of food and lodging. You’ll also have access to various amenities and benefits, such as regular outings and excursions. Even in a town like Nepal, where living costs are modest, staying in a hotel, buying your own food, and planning your own outings would cost a fortune. Furthermore, if you are not a local, organising all of this in a place you are unfamiliar with would be a bother. All of the things are taken care of in a residential course, so you don’t have to worry about anything.
Residential yoga schools are a dime a dozen in Nepal, as you may have already guessed. However, not all of them will meet your requirements. There is no foolproof method for selecting the best school for you. The ideal option is to enroll in a well-known school, such as Pokhara Yoga School.