Why Python Language: 7 Reasons Behind the Growth and Success of Python
Python begins its journey in the late 80s. The first launch of the main language python was done in the late 1980 language. As you see it as a good 32 years of support and history behind its back since then Python has been on an upward Hill March to great progress and success. This language has shown the potential to have tremendous growth and everyone overtook other proprietary languages such as C# and Java. It was after the year 2016, that Python slowly climbed to the top spot. It had its usage increase for a different number of uses and applications. We give you 7 reasons as to why the python language is best for app development.
Here are 7 reasons that the support behind Python’s growth and success:
Open Source:
The Python language is an open-source platform where everybody and anybody can use it. There are no proprietary licenses or expensive subscription fees to be paid in order to use the particular language. The language is free for all. And anybody can use it to the heart’s content and to their liking. The open-source nature of python makes it a truly versatile platform for anybody is used in order to program and create new applications. Open source brings with it a lot of benefits and accolades to technologies that embrace and support it. Open source means any and everyone can use the software and use it for free will, modify and redistribute it with enhancements as per needs and requirements.
Easy To Learn:
The Python language and the Python Syntax resemble clean English-like sentences. any new programmer or developer can easily learn the language and gain mastery over it. There are no expensive or complex scriptures to Remember. If you have a little programming knowledge then you will be able to gain mastery over python. It is used to develop versatile applications as per your liking. It is this easy-to-learn quality that makes it such a wonderful and capable language for use by programmers and developers all around the world. Python is regarded as one of the most easiest programming languages that can be used to learn and master. Novices and aspiring developers can easily master and learn the language. All credits goes to the low learning curve experienced by many developers and programmers of python.
Multiple Tools and libraries available:
There are multiple tools and plugins as well as library is available for use by Python language. Python is such an ecosystem and platform that allows developers. The community to create multiple tools and plugins that are readily available for use and on top of python provides advanced features and functions over it. Python language is regarded as having the most number of third party libraries and tools. That is used to enhance and provide additional features and functionality to the platform.
Adept for Data Science:
As discussed in the above point, Python has many applications in data science. It is a perfect fit for this community vertical. Data science has always been backed upon by Python. There are many tools and frameworks that are developed to provide support for this vertical. Languages such as R are useful for statistics and data analysis which runs on top of Python and this makes them a great fit and complements each other for providing a different number of uses to the data science community. To be honest, it can be said that data science exists because of python. Large number and tools and modules that is developed on this existing platform for data analysts and data scientists.
Perfect for AI and ML:
New technologies such as Artificial Intelligence and machine learning applications are being supported by the Python platform. And it is the reason why it makes Python language so versatile and so much quality-filled platform for use by developers and designers all around the world. Many hot and trending Technologies such as Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning development are taking place which use this particular language to support and perform innovative apps development on. When a particular language is supported and has an advanced number of uses in different streams and avenues. It automatically becomes hot and happening Technology and this is the true nature of python needless to say.
Excellent Documentation:
Python provides excellent documentation for a different amount of users and programmers. This documentation provides well-known examples and code queries which are illustrated in a detailed manner and therefore this proves to be a wonderful resource for many programmers and developers to learn and implement and therefore the documentation aspect is taken care of very well by the Python community. The documentation that is available for Python provides be a great help to Aspiring Python programmers and developers which they can use and learn and gain valuable resources from. Many people prefer the documentation which is readily available on the Python website in order to learn and use it on a daily basis. It is clear that python has one of the most prolific documentation which is thorough and exhaustive.
Great Community support:
As discussed in the above points, the first version of python was released way back in 1989. And the language has a good 32 your support behind is back. The Python community has been growing slowly and slowly growing over the years and there are many projects and ready application codes are present on GitHub which can be used for creating and developing applications. It is because of this huge community and human support provided by the Python developers. All around the world contributing to this wonderful technology platform that makes it a hot and happening trend in the programming and development community. A vibrant community can help developers learn and exchange knowledge with each other.
Also Read: Why Django is Best Web Framework of Python for Your Project
Python has witnessed tremendous growth over the years. It is because of its sheer popularity and versatility that python’s growth and success are witnessed by the developer community. The growth and success attribute to these factors declaring why python language is adept for development purposes. You can Hire Python Developer if you are looking for web or app development. Why python language should be used specifies the various reasons behind the success and growth even after 20+ years of releasing this multifaceted development tool and platform.