Why Is It Necessary To Laugh During Pregnancy?
Why Is Laughing Important, During Pregnancy?

Laughter is considered to be the best medicine to keep one’s mood elevated and add to a person’s overall health. Even during pregnancy, laughter has health benefits for both the would-be-mother and the baby. Read on to find out the benefits from the interesting article.
Over the nine months, a would-be-mummy has to combat a lot of emotional and physical upheavals, thus making her quite sensitive during the journey.
So, to keep the conditions under control she’s advised to stay active, including yoga and meditation in the pregnancy routine, drink enough fluids, take enough rest, and look for support groups to discuss her issues.
But, to keep her and the life growing inside her highly spirited and cheerful, laughter can be the best-suggested medicine.
So, why is laughing important, during pregnancy?
Find out in the list below:
Reduces Pregnancy Depression
The soaring oestrogen and progesterone hormones, during pregnancy, are some of the main reasons behind antenatal depression in many would-be-mummies. But, since taking medicines at this time is not suggested, laughing can be thoroughly helpful for both the mother and the baby. It will gradually, but surely reduce pregnancy depression and anxiety.
Pregnancy is the time when you need a support system. You need to feel grounded and understood. Hence, its always better to find solace in people who love you, know you, and care about you like your partner, your parents, friends, and siblings. Sharing your concerns with them can keep your stress and anxiety level during pregnancy at bay. Networking with other preggy-moms, or who are already moms (in your neighborhood or on social media), not only will it be insightful, but also a fun bonding session. They can share their experiences and brush aside some of your worries. Also voicing your worries to your gynaecologist is an absolutely great idea.
Reduces Pregnancy Pain
From pregnancy swelling to headaches and cramps, a pregnant woman undergoes a little pain during these nine months. And laughter is considered to be a natural pain reliever, for a pregnant mother.
Keeps the Stress Level Low
Sleep deprivation, pregnancy pain, and the soaring hormones with the progression of pregnancy are some of the reasons that give rise to the stress factors in pregnant mothers. Also, worries about the healthy growth of the baby inside add to the stress. And stress-factors during pregnancy might increase the blood pressure in the pregnant mother, which may put the pregnancy at a risky stage. Emergency C-sections might be necessitated, in many cases. Laughter, on contrary, allows the pregnant lady to feel relaxed, thus keeping her stress levels low.
Helps in The Baby Feel Emotionally Better
A would-be mother’s feelings and emotions have a direct impact upon the developing baby in her womb. That’s the reason why long-term anxieties, stress, or depression are not good for the growing baby in the womb. Babies might either be born pre-mature or might be born with birth defects. Moreover, mommies who are anxious and depressed during pregnancy, have high chances of giving birth to anxious or colicky babies. Such babies are 1.5 times more depressed than the other kids. They might have more emotional problems than other kids and might turn out to be more aggressive than others. (Basically, the hormones that pass into the baby in the womb, from the placenta are responsible for this condition). Laughter, during pregnancy, can create a huge difference. Laughter, during pregnancy, can help the mother breathe in more oxygen and release more endorphin hormones, thus making her feel less stressed out and making the baby feel better emotionally.
Establishes the Bond Between the Mother and The Baby
Usually, by the 15th week of pregnancy, babies starting hearing in the womb. Research has also supported that; a baby’s heart slows down when he or she hears the mother speak. In fact, a baby gradually becomes familiar with the mother’s voice, her singing, laughing, or crying. Although occasional crying might only make him or her cry, when the mother laughs, the baby’s tummy moves, stimulating the baby to move as well. This keeps the baby relaxed, happy and active in the womb. During the doctor visits, when a pregnant woman undergoes ultrasound scans, the scans show the foetus bounce up and down, like a bouncing trampoline.
Helps In The Baby’s Brain Development
Engaging in laughter, can stimulate the brain cells in the unborn baby, and helps in the baby’s brain development. Who knows babies might be born quite smart and intelligent?
To Conclude
Having said that, being surrounded by positive-minded people who have a healthy sense of humor might help the would-be-mother and the baby. Moreover, laughing while watching the reruns of some comedy-centric shows and reading fun quotes is a good a very good idea.
Pregnancy undoubtedly is a roller-coaster ride for a would-be-mother. And laughter can heal her in several ways.
Happy pregnancy to you!