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Your Complete Guide to Business Process Automation

Business Process Automation (1)

The market for business process automation (BPA) is growing at a pace of 10% per year. And, to be honest, it’s not surprising. Any organization needs to grow its business, and it needs good digitized procedures to succeed in today’s market.

Manual processing delays, human mistakes, and inefficient business processes can no longer disregard; they are costing firms thousands of dollars per year.

But how can a business process automation solution deal with these problems?

Companies can automate repetitive work by digitizing and standardizing business processes with software.

Business process automation software not only saves time and money but also relieves employees of monotonous, manual work. Instead, your staff may concentrate on the important tasks at hand.

What is BPM (Business Process Automation)?

In a word, business process automation (BPA) is the practice of using technology to automate the typical manual activities that occur every day in enterprises.

It could be as easy as sending an automatic email response or follow-up, or it could be as sophisticated as automating multi-level approval protocols.

In fact, the most frequent, continuous systems can automatically improve overall performance by increasing speed, accuracy, and reliability.

According to research, one-third of duties in 60% of jobs can automate.

Business automation is automate almost any operation in your organization. The following are some of the most important areas to automate company processes:

Advantages of Using a Business Process Automation System

Did you spend hours filling out a form only to say a false ad, or worse, too late? Or maybe you made a mistake and had to start over on a new form because there wasn’t enough room to fill in the missing information?

Slow manual processing and corrective labor not only cause operational delays but are also extremely expensive.

Take, for example, human resources. Manual administration expenditures for each employee total more than $1,800 per year, and that’s before sick leave, training, and evaluation processes are taken into account.

Consider invoicing methods as an alternative. 90% of all bills are still made by hand. Worst of all, 12.5 percent of bills are ready and hands-on in need of repair, but only 17.5 percent are paid on time.

BPA speeds up corporate operations, reduces mistakes, and improves team communication by minimizing manual paperwork.

You can profit from efficient digital workflow automation with dynamic routing by using business process automation software. This ensures that not only are approvals completed on time but that all processes are appropriately documented and recorded for a full compliance audit trail.

Let’s take the case of Safeway.

Thousands of paper forms have been replaced at the supermarket by dynamic forms created by software company Overland Park Shamrock Solutions. Without the use of expensive IT equipment, Safeway employees can now submit and approve information automatically.

Safeway has saved millions of dollars thanks to business process automation.

The grocery store saves money on remedial work and development costs now that crucial procedures are error-free and performed on time.

Let’s take a look at some of the specific advantages of process automation.

Speed Up Your Business Processes

Everything moves more quickly with automation.

The information in a timely manner delivers to the appropriate user, ensuring that data and memory speed up, and data records – and the need to correct errors – are reduced with encryption and authentication.

The pace of modern business is increasing all the time and your team must keep up. Process automation, according to 42% of business leaders, may boost the speed at which your staff complete activities, ensuring that your company stays up with the competition.

Reduce Errors by Standardizing Procedures

Not only does using BPA to automate data entry save time, but half of the business leaders and staff feel that process automation significantly reduces errors.

Reduce the amount of time and money spent on labor.

You’ll save manpower by using BPA because it speeds up internal procedures and prevents processing errors.

Employees would spend fewer hours revising paperwork and chasing approvals, lowering labor costs and reducing staffing needs.

In fact, 78 percent of corporate leaders believe that implementing process automation will save their employees 60 hours each month. That’s a $435 monthly savings for every minimum wage worker!

Increase the Visibility of the Process

BPA enhances visibility by enhancing data collection, reporting, and analytics capabilities.

Everyone in the firm can see what’s working and what isn’t, making it easy to spot time wasters and bottlenecks in all of your business operations.

These insights enable you to streamline procedures even further and make better strategic decisions.

Allow for mobility and scalability

Allow for mobility and scalability. Drag-and-drop designers build dynamic user interfaces in modern process automation technologies.

Your forms and procedures will function on mobile devices right out of the box, appear natural, and give a pleasant user experience.

They’re available 24/7, and their performance automatically adapts to meet increased demand during peak periods.

Choosing the Best Business Process Automation Software

You might tempt to step right in and automate everything that comes your way. but you should think about your specific needs before selecting any software.

Important points you should keep in mind are:

User Experience

User Experience is crucial.  No one will utilize your online procedures unless they are visually appealing and operate well.

Responsiveness to Mobile Devices


Without a specific code, the system should be able to accommodate mobile use. Features like slightly bigger buttons, additional padding between parts, and dividing up long forms into small pages are all examples of responsive design.

Deployment Options

Cloud-based deployment offers several advantages and has been the norm in recent years. Business processes are more helpful if they can link to data from your internal systems, which are not always feasible from the cloud, and you must account for this.

It’s possible that you’ll need to install a connection in your DMZ, or you’ll have to go with an on-premises private cloud setup.


Processes, as previously stated, require access to data stored in your internal systems and databases. Make sure the system can connect to SQL databases, Active Directory, and other critical software in your company.

Visual Tools

It’s likely that your IT department is treading water. Make sure the software you choose includes a visual, low-code platform that allows “citizen developers” — not just professional coders — to drag-and-drop forms and workflows.

Even if most of your workflows will be created by IT, you should still look for visual tools. The earlier business users are involved in the process, the more likely you are to create automation that meets their needs and is adopted.

Try Shamrock Solutions’ customized business process automation software today

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